Spring 2025 | Mar 5 - Apr 13

Greenland Campaign

Greenland, NH United States
sign up for vigil hours
Spring 2025 | Mar 5 - Apr 13 Map
Vigil Location

Lovering Health Center
559 Portsmouth Avenue Greenland, NH

Get directions

The Lovering Health Center is next door to the Greenland Town Hall and the Greenland Police & Fire Departments. 

Parking is in the Town Hall parking lot in spaces away from the entrance.

  Vigil-Site Guidelines:  PLEASE

  1. Don't block or pace across the Lovering driveway.
  2. Don't hang or prop signs on the Lovering fence.
  3. Leave space for pedestrian traffic.
  4. Always follow the Statement of Peace, do not engage in arguments or insults.
  5. Use life-affirming signs, not signs with graphic images or inflammatory messages.
  6. Try to have a prayer partner if possible.
  7. Never be alone after dark.
  8. Try to carry a cellphone to use the camera if you want to document an issue.
  9. If you feel threatened, leave and call law enforcement. 
  10. Report any indidents or concerns to Carol: 207-985-3166 or Debbie: deb40days@yahoo.com
  • Sign up for your hours on our website's vigil calendar or call or email us and we can do this for you. 
  • The Statement of Peace must be signed to participate in 40 Days for Life activities. This can be done when registering online or by going to the "Resources" Section  and downloading a copy to sign.

          THANK YOU FOR PRAYING TO END ABORTION!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Leader Contact Info

Carol-calls, Debbie-emails

(207) 985-3166


Send A message


Spring Campaign Flyer (Please print and post where you are able)

Kickoff Rally Flyer (Please print out and post or use as a handout) Thank You!

Shorter version of Spring Campaign flyer with 2 on a page (Please print and use as a handout)

Statement of Peace (Must be signed for each campaign)

Pregancy Resources Handout

Daily Scriptures and Prayers (Intention, Scripture, & Prayer for each of the 40 Days)

The Rachel Rosary- for victims of Post-Abortion Syndrome

Pro-life Rosary Meditations on the Mysteries of the Rosary by Frank Pavone

Volunteer Sign Up Website Tutorial

Pro-Life Apologetics 101- learn responses to reflect truth and soften hearts

Be a part of the  local campaign