Spring 2025 | Mar 5 - Apr 13

Madison Campaign

Madison, WI United States
sign up for vigil hours
Spring 2025 | Mar 5 - Apr 13 Map
Vigil Location

Planned Parenthood, 3706 Orin Road, Madison, WI 53704
3706 Orin Rd Madison, WI

Get directions

 Madison Vigil for Life (VFL) will again sponsor the Spring/Lenten  "40 Days for Life"  Campaign which begins on March 5 and ends on April 13.

--> Our scheduled campaign hours this Spring/Lent will be  8 AM --  8 PM; Monday - Saturday (no Sunday vigil hours)

Madison Vigil for Life Prayer Warriors PLEASE NOTE:

         Please do NOT sign up here (at 40daysforlife.com)  for vigil hours 

         Instead, only sign up for vigil hours on the vigilforlife.org calendar.

We are using this website only to help participants to do two things:    

    1) Sign an online  Statement of Peace,

    2) Set up a user profile here for possible future use.

For now, we are only using the local MADISON sign-up calendar and user profiles from our local "vigilforlife.org" website. This is accessible via the web address noted below -->

               Madison VFL Homepage: vigilforlife.org/

[Click the "Vigil Hour Calendar" link on top of the MADISON VFL Home page (not THIS page) to register or to sign up for vigil hours.]

Yes, unfortunately this means that you need to register TWICE -- once here at the 40daysforlife.com website and once on our local Madison vigilforlife.org website.  (Ugh! We are working to change this. Sorry for the inconvenience.)         

Questions? Contact any member of the Madison VFL Leadership Team:

          Gwen Finnegan          (608) 393-8545   
           John Bohn                 (608) 628-7552
          Mary Markielewski    (608) 516-1335


Local events
Visit from Dr. Haywood Robinson and Mid-point

Sunday, March 30th

Join us along with Dr. Haywood Robinson, 40 Days for Life Director of Medical Affairs & Education, for our 40 Days for Life mid-point prayer vigil on Sunday, March 30 at 6:30 p.m. This event will be held at St. Maria Goretti Parish in the Parish Hall (5313 Flad Avenue in Madison). You will be inspired by Dr. Haywood Robinson's conversion story! Haywood Robinson, M.D., completed his medical training in Los Angeles and, together with his late wife Noreen Johnson, M.D., learned to perform the abortion procedure. They worked together as abortionists until Dr. Robinson’s conversion in 1986. After that time, Dr. Robinson dedicated himself to pro-life medicine and then joined the 40 Days for Life team, sharing his unique perspective as a former abortionist. Have you signed up? This special event is the midpoint vigil for the Madison 40 Days for Life campaign, which runs 8AM-8PM Mondays through Saturdays (not Sundays) from Wednesday, March 5, through Saturday, April 12, 2025. Our peaceful, prayerful presence is on the sidewalk in front of the east side Planned Parenthood abortion facility (3706 Orin Road in Madison). To read more or sign up to pray, visit vigilforlife.org or contact John Bohn at 608-628-7552. www.vigilforlife.org

Address: 5313 Flad Avenue Madison, WI 53711, US

Time: 6:30 PM

Leader Contact Info

Vigil for Life, Madison

(608) 393-8545


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