Spring 2025 | Mar 5 - Apr 13

Miami Campaign

Miami, FL United States
sign up for vigil hours
Spring 2025 | Mar 5 - Apr 13 Map
Vigil Location

Eve's Medical Center
8603 S. Dixie Highway Miami, FL

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Local events
Divine Mercy Chaplet - Every Day

Wednesday, March 5th - Sunday, April 13th

Please join us to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet every day at 3:00 p.m. Parking at nearby shopping center, please remember to patronize these businesses, or in the parking lot next to where we stand. Please subscribe/access the Devotional daily here or access each day's prayer. https://www.40daysforlife.com/resources-devotionals.aspx#grdp-subscribe Please remember to follow the guidance of the 40 Days for Life Statement of Peace. We are lawfully assembling there in a peaceful, prayerful event. Please give out this easy to remember number 800-848-LOVE for the closest pregnancy center If you have any questions, please text 305-299-8840

Address: 8603 S. Dixie Hwy, Ste 102 Miami, FL 33143, US

Time: 12:00 AM

Vida Humana Internacional - Miercoles 9-10 a.m.

Wednesday, March 5th - Wednesday, April 9th

Unanse en oracion todos los jueves de 9:30 a.m. a 10:30 a.m.con el grupo de vida Humana Internacional. Refieranse a las directrices de esta vigilia en este sitio, Parking at nearby shopping center, please remember to patronize these businesses. Please subscribe to receive the Devotional daily here Please subscribe to receive the Devotional daily here https://www.40daysforlife.com/resources-devotionals.aspx#grdp-subscribe Llame para mas detalles a Humana Internacional, 45 SW 71 Avenue, Miami, FL 33144, USA. Tel.: (305) 260-0525. www.vidahumana.org. Email:vhi@vidahumana.org.

Address: 8603 S. Dixie Highway, Ste 102, Miami, FL 33143 Miami, FL 33143, US

Time: 9:30 AM

Holy Rosary/St Richard - EVERY THURSDAY

Thursday, March 6th - Thursday, April 10th

During Lent, please join Holy Rosary/St Richard Church EVERY THURSDAY, Parking at nearby shopping center, please remember to patronize these businesses. from 10:30 to 12:30 Please subscribe to receive the Devotional daily here https://www.40daysforlife.com/resources-devotionals.aspx#grdp-subscribe For more information, please contact Joan Smith at joanie03rozum@aol.com

Address: 8603 S. Dixie Highway, Ste 102, Miami, FL 33143 Miami, FL 33143, US

Time: 10:30 AM

St Thomas the Apostle - Every Thursday

Thursday, March 6th - Thursday, April 10th

Please join St Thomas the Apostle Church in prayer to pray for an end of abortion. Parking at nearby shopping center, please remember to patronize these businesses, or in the parking lot next to where we stand. Please subscribe/access the Devotional daily here or access each day's prayer. https://www.40daysforlife.com/resources-devotionals.aspx#grdp-subscribe Please remember to follow the guidance of the 40 Days for Life Statement of Peace. We are lawfully assembling there in a peaceful, prayerful event. Please give out this easy to remember number 800-848-LOVE for the closest pregnancy center If you have any questions, please text 305-299-8840

Address: 8603 South Dixie Highway Miami, FL 33143,

Time: 2:00 PM

Prince of Peace Church - EVERY SATURDAY

Saturday, March 8th - Saturday, April 12th

Please join the Church of Prince of Peace EVERY SATURDAY from 10:30 to Noon to pray the Rosary for the end of abortion Please visit "miamiarch.org " Events for additional details Parking is available at close by parking lots, including Dadeland across US 1. Parking is not allowed in the 68th Ct parking Court lot For more information, please contact Tere Rubio at 786-346-1603

Address: 8603 S. Dixie Hwy, Ste 102 Miami, FL 33143

Time: 10:30 AM

St Augustine Church - EVERY SATURDAY

Saturday, March 8th - Saturday, April 12th

Join St Augustine Church EVERY SATURDAY, 11 am to Noon to pray for an end of abortion. The problem of abortion is solved in our community! Come pray, offer a better option! FREE: Pregnancy Tests, Ultrasound, Counseling, Resources. pregnancyhelp.me 305 - 273 - 8507 ABORTION PILL REVERSAL, IT IS NOT TOO LATE! CALL NOW, 877-558-0333 Please remember not to block the sidewalk for pedestrian traffic. Parking at nearby shopping center, please remember to patronize these businesses. For the Archdiocese of Miami general guidelines for Prayer Vigils and prayers, please visit: https://www.miamiarch.org/Atimo_s/news/Abortion_Facility_Prayer_N_Guidelines.pdf We are referring anyone who asks for additional information to PREGNANCYHELP.ME and/or 305-273-8507 Please subscribe to receive the Devotional daily here https://www.40daysforlife.com/resources-devotionals.aspx#grdp-subscribe Parking is available at close by parking lots, including Dadeland across US 1. Parking is not allowed in the 68th Ct parking Court lot For more information, please call Silvia Mendive at 305-405-0245 orsilvimendive@gmail.com

Address: 8603 S. Dixie Hwy, Ste 102 Miami, FL 33143,

Time: 11:00 AM

Good Shepherd Church - EVERY MONDAY

Monday, March 10th - Monday, April 7th

Join the Good Shepherd Church EVERY MONDAY, after 8:30 Mass to pray for an end of abortion. We stand across the street on 68th Court Please visit "miamiarch.org " Events for additional details Parking is available at close by parking lots, including Dadeland across US 1. Parking is not allowed in the 68th Ct parking Court lot Please access the Devotional daily here: https://www.40daysforlife.com/en/resources-devotionals.aspx Please remember to follow the guidance of the 40 Days for Life Statement of Peace. For more information, please call Dr. Mary Jo O’Sullivan at (305)987-5904

Address: 8603 S. Dixie Hwy, Ste 102 Miami, FL 33143

Time: 9:00 AM


Friday, April 18th

GOOD FRIDAY - March 29th 9 a.m. SPECIAL PRAYER VIGIL AT THE ABORTION MILL You are invited to join our vigil prayer group on Good Friday, March 29th, at 9:00 AM for approx. 1 hr. We will pray the Way of the Cross and other prayers. We hope you’ll come & join us--bring your family. There is no better place to reflect on the sufferings of Christ on that day. As we read every week in our first prayer before the rosary: “… It is a way to redeem the abandonment of Jesus by His apostles when they refused to be with him at His death…With our rosaries and our prayers, this is our Calvary here., where Christ is being crucified today in our midst….” Please observe social distancing/masks wearing guidelines. Please WEAR BLACK Please join us at this special vigil. Questions? Call Maria at 305-299-8840 VIERNES SANTO, 2 de 29 de marzo 9:00 a.m. VIGILIA ESPECIAL DE ORACION EN EL CENTRO DE ABORTOS Les invitamos a unirse a nuestro grupo de oración el Viernes Santo, 29 de marzo a las 9:00 am por aproximadamente una hora. Rezaremos los Via Cruc así como otras oraciones especiales. Confiamos puedan unirse a nosotros junto a familiares y amigos. No hay mejor lugar para reflexionar acerca de los sufrimientos de Cristo durante ese día. Tal y como decimos cada semana en nuestra primera oración antes de comenzar el rosario: “…Es una forma de redimir el abandono de los apóstoles a Jesús cuando rehusaron estar junto a Él en el momento de Su muerte…Con nuestros rosarios y nuestras oraciones, ese es nuestro Calvario en la aqui, adonde Cristo es crucificado hoy entre nosotros…” +Por favor, únanse a nosotros en esta vigilia especial. Vístanse por favor de negro.+ ¿Preguntas? Llamar a Maria (305) 299-8840

Address: 8603 South Dixie Highway Miami, FL 33143

Time: 9:00 AM

Leader Contact Info

Maria Wadsworth

(305) 299-8840


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Where to stand 40D

Where we stand across Eve's Medical Center

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