Kim, the local 40 Days for Life leader in Modesto, offered this account of a woman who eventually realized that abortion was not the solution to her problems.

A woman slotted for an abortion walked past a group of our 40 Days for Life volunteers who were outside the clinic, keeping silent and prayerful vigil. She went into the clinic, checked in, and sat in the waiting room to be called.

She was eight weeks pregnant with her fifth child, and she and her family were homeless, living in shelters and the occasional motel room. Her husband, fifteen years her senior, was disabled several years ago, but had not been approved for disability, so he received no income. The family was destitute, with nowhere to turn.

Inside the clinic, the woman fidgeted and nervously tapped her fingers on the arm of the chair. On her way to her appointment she had prayed to God to give her a sign. She couldn't get the picture of those prayerful volunteers out of her mind. Why were they there? Why did they care so much? Was this the sign from God she was looking for?


Her heart started beating faster and her conscience was pricked. She knew that the baby she was carrying was just that ? a baby, not a lump of cells, as she had been told. She began getting more and more nervous.

Finally, she couldn't take it anymore. She knew she couldn't go through with the abortion and she walked out of the clinic.

She stood on the street corner for a moment, trying to compose herself, when she noticed a kind woman smiling at her. She approached the woman, a member of our 40 Days for Life prayer team, and she was given a loving ear, along with a list of resources and referral to the Modesto Pregnancy Center, a local pro-life, Christian resource in our town.

Our community is coming together to help her with temporary housing and to meet some of her other needs.

God is truly working miracles in Modesto, California, and our 40 Days for Life team feels blessed to be a part of it, however small. Praise God, for He is good; His mercy endures forever!

Thanks again to Kim in Modesto for this update!


With 40 Days for Life, David wears many hats. Prior to joining the 40 Days for Life team, he was an award-winning radio and TV journalist. He has also served as a board member for a pregnancy help center and as publications director for a major national pro-life organization.