Spring 2025 | Mar 5 - Apr 13

Toronto Campaign

Toronto, Canada
sign up for vigil hours
Spring 2025 | Mar 5 - Apr 13 Map
Vigil Location

Women's Care Clinic Toronto
811 Lawrence Ave W Toronto,

Get directions

As pro-lifers, we know that unborn babies need us to be a physical witness for them, and the opportunity to do so is right around the corner.

The 40 Days for Life Spring Campaign will begin on Wednesday, March 5th, and run through April 13th!

From 7 AM to 7 PM, we will pray for 40 consecutive days, becoming a visible sign to protect life.

"Even in the midst of difficulties and uncertainties, every person sincerely open to truth and goodness can, by the light of reason and the hidden action of grace, come to recognize in the natural law written in the heart (cf. Rom 2:14-15) the sacred value of human life from its very beginning until its end, and can affirm the right of every human being to have this primary good respected to the highest degree. Upon the recognition of this right, every human community and the political community itself are founded." -Evangelium Vitae; St. John Paul II

                                                                        God Bless you always!


Please use this link   https://www.40daysforlife.com/en/toronto/sop to read and sign electronically the updated version of the Statement of Peace. 



  • WHAT DO WE DO? Pray, fast, and be a witness to the Unborn for 40 consecutive days
  • HOW DO WE DO IT? A peaceful vigil of prayer and fasting.


Before attending the vigil please read the Statement of Peace:  

o   If you agree, sign it  electronically,  using the link below:

English:  https://www.40daysforlife.com/en/toronto/sop

Spanish: https://www.40daysforlife.com/es/toronto/sop


  • VIGIL LOCATION:St. Charles Borromeo Church; parking lot.


Note: Always stand in a safe place without blocking the driveway.


  • PARKING: Please park towards the northwest end of St. Charle Borromeo’s parking lot, to allow the parishioners access to the Church.
  • INCIDENTS: Go to a safe place AND report your incident ASAP to Phone number 437-665-9816


If you see something, say something - anything unsafe/ illegal, call authorities:

  • Emergency                         911
  • Non-emergency       416-808-2222

* Get a photo or video of the aggressor and/or the vehicle’s license plate.

  • Do not respond to any threat. Never take the offensive or be aggressive.
  • Maintain silence. That is your best protection.
  • Remember the reason you are doing this, and behave in accordance with the 40 Days for Life values.


  1. Explain to her/him that we can offer support. We have an ad with information about the organizations we partner with. Please chek the vigil resources to dowload the image
  2. Politely ask for her/his name and phone number, and sent a text message to confirm that you have the correct info.
  3. Call Mafe ASAP 437-665-9816. She will contact the pregnancy centre

Note: If you find out that the lady took the abortion pill call ASAP 1.888.612.3960 for abortion pill reversal assistance.

Check this link if you want to learn more about the abortion pill reversal. https://abortionpillreversal.ca/

SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES: During weddings and funerals please be far from the church doors (as a sign of charity to accommodate the parishioners needs).

SPREAD THE WORD: Please help to spread the word about this important community outreach with your family, friends, and community.

 “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love."- Mother Teresa

GOD BLESS YOU! A big Thank you from:


40 Days for Life - Toronto
Organizing Committee

Local events
Opening Mass

Saturday, March 1st

Join us to begin the vigil with the blessing of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. After Mass, we will proceed to the vigil to pray

Address: Daughters of St. Paul Chapel; 3022 Dufferin St, Toronto Toronto, ON M6B 3T5, CA

Time: 2:00 PM

Halton Alive

Saturday, March 29th

Multiple Speakers including Ramona Treviño, author of Redeemed by Grace: A Catholic Woman’s Journey to Planned Parenthood and Back Cost: Individual: $40; Students: $20 Parking, Lunch and Refreshments included! Register at: https://www.haltonalive.ca/lifetalks Halton Alive is offering a group discount code for this event. Additional details can be found at https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5abec887cc8fed5398a50847/t/676572ba7d6f7858eea84497/1734701767468/2025+Life+Talks+Promo.pdf

Address: St. George’s Church 4691 Palladium Way Burlington, ON L7M 0W9, CA

Time: 9:00 AM

Prayer time with Ramona Treviño

Sunday, March 30th

An incredible opportunity to pray together with Ramona, learn from her, and socialize with other volunteers. Hope to see you all there!

Address: Daughters of St. Paul Hall; 3022 Dufferin St, Toronto Toronto, ON M6B 3T5, CA

Time: 2:00 PM

Closing Mass

Saturday, April 26th

A special celebration to close our vigil and give thanks to God for all the graces received. After Mass, we will hold our candlelight vigil to conclude the campaign in prayer!

Address: Daughters of St. Paul Chapel; 3022 Dufferin St, Toronto Toronto, ON M6B 3T5, CA

Time: 2:00 PM

Leader Contact Info

Mafe Bernal

Send A message


Help Available

How to help

2025 Spring Campaign Events

2024 Statement of Peace - Spanish

2024 Statement of Peace - English

Campaign Rules

Daily Devotionals English/ Spanish

Be a part of the  local campaign