Fall 2024 | Sept 25 - Nov 3

New Haven Campaign

New Haven, CT
sign up for vigil hours
Fall 2024 | Sept 25 - Nov 3 Map
Vigil Location

Planned Parenthood of Southern New England
345 Whitney Ave New Haven, CT

Get directions

Welcome, 40 Days for Life volunteers, to New Haven’s Fall 2024 Campaign!

I am glad you are joining the ongoing battle to make abortion unthinkable in America. This Fall 2024 campaign is different in that now we are living in a post-Roe time in history that is full of promise and hope for our precious unborn. This is the most important thing you can do now since the battle goes back to the local level and the states are where we need to fight. 

40 Days for Life presents a local solution to the abortion crisis. Our Vision: 40DFL is a focused pro life campaign with a vision to access God’s power through prayer, fasting, community outreach and peaceful vigils to end abortion. It is so beautiful as a local leader to see volunteers show up and be witness no matter the heat, rain and the snow. We are missionaries in our own town to women considering abortion. There is no greater joy than to see a baby be spared from abortion. The vigil has an impact that most of it you will never see but know that it is detrimental to the bottom-line of the abortion business. Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood director, said the no show abortion appointment rate goes as high as 75% when people are praying outside.

Prayer is the engine that fuels this campaign. 40 Days for Life volunteers are lawfully assembling in peaceful and prayerful vigils on the public sidewalk outside Planned Parenthood of Southern New England, 345 Whitney Avenue where they have the right of way. One can stand on the grass area closest to the avenue or on the public sidewalk. Please remember not to block pedestrians, driveways, car traffic or any lawful passage.


There is some free street parking available. Download the New Haven Free Parking document next under “Resources” to view my parking map. For GPS, enter Planned Parenthood's address and that will bring you within 2 blocks of all the suggested parking sites. Once you get to PP, it's just a matter of finding an open street parking spot on any side street or nearby. Be aware not to park on permit zone parking spots. The parking lot of St. Joseph Church is also available a short walk away (0.4 mi / 9 min walking)

To view free parking map use Google My Maps link: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1q996MI-Dphfhpr4QXoyQawiWUahY850&usp=sharing


Restrooms and Facilities:

Ivana Solsbery, Director of "In Our Blessed Mother's Arms" has generously offered her bathroom for any 40 Days for Life prayer volunteers. This pregnancy family center is across the street at 340 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06511. Please call her first to check if she is there (203) 886-6736 

There are multiple eateries in the area. The Poppy’s Coffee and Kitchen is a breakfast /coffee shop adjacent to Planned Parenthood on Whitney Ave. and is open 7am-4 pm Tues-Sunday, closed on Mondays.  

St. Joseph Church has a small bathroom in the narthex. Front door might be locked at times.


Buffer Zone and Bubble Zone:

There is currently no buffer zone in Connecticut. You may not obstruct entrance to any place of business. 


****Please remember to sign and follow the guidance of the 40 Days for Life Statement of Peace. **** Statement of Peace link:    www.40daysforlife.com/newhaven/sop


SAFETY FIRST Read the 40 Days for Life Emergency Operations Plan at http://40daysforlife.com/eop to review the best safety practices as well as the political activities policy. - Review the Statement of Peace: 40daysforlife.com/sop - stay safe, always. - Try to have at least two vigil participants. - Never be alone after dark. - Conduct the vigil in a safe and public or otherwise lawful location. - If you feel threatened, leave and call the police. - If your path is blocked, call the police. - If you are touched, call the police. - If you can safely do so, photograph/film events. - If the police arrive, be polite and cooperative. - If you are ordered to leave by a competent governmental authority, do so and contact the 40 Days for Life campaign leader first so to inform our headquarters. - Do not trespass. - Do not threaten. - Do not touch others. - Do not display or discuss weapons. - Do not curse. - Do not block anyone's path/right of way. - Obey all laws.


Here are some extra guidelines:

Please Do.... 

     *Do stay on the sidewalk and make way for pedestrians. One can stand on the public grass area closest to the avenue or on the public sidewalk.

     * Chatting is ok because friendships can be forged out on the sidewalk but also make an effort to stay focused on prayer while at the vigil. To help you in your vigil prayer time, here is the link to 40DFL's Devotional daily: https://www.40daysforlife.com/en/resources-devotionals.aspx

     *Think of how you present yourself - you represent the pro-life movement. Make sure you project peace, love, and hope. Be approachable.  Smile. Be courteous and friendly to passersby on the sidewalk. Provide a resource to those who want dialogue. Carry with you some 40 Days for Life flyers in case you need them to invite some passerby that shows interest, after all we are trying to change hearts and minds and grow our presence.

     *You may do community outreach if you feel comfortable. You can carry with you our pamflet on "What is Abortion Pill" or our list of local pregnancy resources centers, or information about baby development, Abortion Pill Reversal (877)558-0333 , or abortionworker.com cards.

     *Do dress appropriately for the weather and bring an umbrella for rain. 

     *If you are a new volunteer, it’s best to use the buddy system and bring a friend, or even better bring a group of friends. 

     *If you arrive at your vigil time and find you are the only participant, do contact your Day Captain or the Campaign Leader (Mariana) first to ask if they can join you. If local leaders can’t join you then you can pray inside your car or if you feel comfortable staying alone to pray just text your day captain or campaign leader, so they know. When you plan to come out try to invite multiple prayer partners so that in case someone in the group cancels the scheduled vigil can continue.

     *Follow any instructions given by the police. Be polite and cooperative with law enforcement and valid civil authority. If asked to leave by a valid authority, please comply and make sure to alert the local campaign leader (Mariana) to any threats or confrontations.

     *If you feel threatened or endangered, do immediately call 911 law enforcement and record any incident of violence or if damage is done to your property. This is extremely rare.


Please Do Not... 

    *Do not enter the parking lot on foot or step on their lawn.  This is considered by Planned Parenthood to be trespassing, and they will respond accordingly. Don’t block the sidewalk. Don’t go on the road. It's best to have a prayer partner with you if you plan to do Sidewalk Advocacy to have a witness back you up.

     *Do not engage with counter-protestors. Our mission is silent prayer for these parties. Do not threaten, curse, yell at or verbally abuse anyone. Don't speak angrily or disrespectfully ...no matter how others may speak to you. Sometimes silence is the best response.

     *Don’t sidewalk counsel on the driveway unless you’re trained to do so. If a sidewalk advocate is present at the time that you are having your prayer vigil you are welcomed to say hello and do a quick self-introduction to let the sidewalk advocate know you are there to pray with 40 Days for Life and then move on but Do Not “crowd” the sidewalk advocates because their focus is to catch cars coming in and out and if they get distracted they could miss someone. It is easier for them to approach a client heading into Planned Parenthood if they can do it one-on-one. Please don’t attempt to join in the conversation when a sidewalk counselor is speaking with a Planned Parenthood client. We have found that one-on-one conversations are the most effective. You are always welcome to stay and be a prayer partner to a sidewalk advocate/counsel in proximity to the driveway. Sidewalk Advocates for Life wear a blue vest. SAFL offers training and so does 40 Days for Life offer a brand-new Sidewalk Outreach training online if you are interested in gaining confidence and tools to handle the most important conversation in the world. This six-module training course provides you with everything you need to offer help and hope to abortion facility clients. Ask me if you are interested and want me to connect you and give you more information.

     *Please don’t bring signs that have a condemning message; these signs do not have a positive effect on Planned Parenthood clients. And as part of 40 Days for Life, we want to convey the hope of a better way: How can we help you? There is free help for you; We are praying for you. We care about you. We discourage graphic signs with abortion victims. Our charism is peaceful, prayerful & law-abiding vigils. Gestational baby growth developmental signs are OK, life is beautiful. I only have limited vigil signs so I can only let you borrow signs if you would like, or you can buy them on the 40daysforlife.com/gear website if you wish to keep them with you. Also check this website if you want to gear up with anything you need to be successful during the campaign such as heavy-duty vigil signs, t-shirts, umbrellas, hats and much more

     *Don’t engage with the media if you are not prepared to do so. Not expecting coverage.

     *Don’t leave anything behind and make sure to clean up all the vigil posters and flyers after leaving. Keep the vigil site clean and free of litter.

     *Don’t be intimidated; you have the right to be on the public sidewalk if you are quiet, respectful, and courteous. 

As we try to grow a culture of love it’s always good to get well versed in our local pregnancy resources, so please remember to have while on the sidewalk local referral contact info to Pregnancy Centers for free Pregnancy Tests, Sonograms, counseling, and material assistance!  Save on your phone as a new contact: (877)558-0333 Abortion Pill Reversal.com in case you meet someone that changed their mind after taking the abortion pill, there is hope now to reverse the abortion, but time is of the essence. Check out some links next under resources.


For any questions, please call/text me/email me. Text works best for me.



Go forward, be not afraid! Let’s show moms they are not alone.





Leader Contact Info

Mariana Trevino

(210) 326-2154


Send A message


Statement of Peace (2024)

Pregnancy Resource Centers_New Haven 40DFL Campaign


Lozier Institute_abortion-reporting-connecticut-2021



Abortion Pill Reversal flyer


A Legal Guide for Sidewalk Counselors by 40daysforlife

St. Gianna Beretta Molla _Lent Reflection

Parking Map by New Haven's PP

Saint Gianna Pregnancy Resource Center

Connecticut Pregnancy Care Coalition ( CPCC )

Crisis Pregnancy Center Map

CT Pregnancy Resource Center Directory

Connecticut Catholic Conference-Abortion-Report-2021

Lozier Institute_abortion-reporting-connecticut-2020

Lozier Institute_abortion-reporting-connecticut-2019

Abortion Access in Connecticut

Be a part of the  local campaign