Although abortion remains illegal in Cameroon, there are 40 Days for Life campaigns currently in progress in two cities, as the coordinators wished to encourage a strong public pro-life witness.

It is a highly traditional country ? poverty, corruption and national security are all pressing issues. There are outside influences who would love to bring more abortion to Cameroon, but thus far, there has been little if any success.


We had a very high-quality pro-life conference with 130 people attending, including doctors, parishioners, young people and other professionals. It was quite unprecedented for such a country and Felix, one of our local coordinators, did a great job in organising it. He was interviewed by national media.

Felix also served as sponsor of the conference, which was held at the Catholic university, and has also founded a non-profit organization.


I travelled to Mbonge town, out in the rural area ? no internet and dirt roads. I saw the real perspective of how many people live in rural poverty. Thankfully, there was no sign of any abortions happening in such rural areas. Even the international pro-abortion organisations must really struggle getting their message heard here!

The majority here is pro-life, but that viewpoint has little representation or voice. In that respect both 40 Days for Life campaigns are taking small baby steps in terms of what can be done here.


Robert Colquhoun, Director, International Campaigns

Robert is based in London, where he led the first 40 Days for Life campaign in England. He now assists local leaders coordinate 40 Days for Life efforts in nations as widespread as Australia, Brazil, Croatia and South Africa.