Several reports of lives spared from abortion have come in from the Mexico City campaigns, where volunteers have watched as women begin to have second thoughts.

A couple parked near the abortion center, but as they walked closer, the woman saw the people praying. She told the man she didn?t dare go in. And besides, she wasn?t sick, so why go to a clinic?


Another couple stopped to talk to a seminarian who was praying at the vigil. The man stayed to talk, but the woman went inside. After a bit of conversation, the man went in and got his girlfriend. They both left the abortion center, and thanked the seminarian and the other volunteers for being there.

Still a third couple pulled up. The man got out of the car, but the woman refused to. He tried his best to convince her to go in, but she wouldn?t budge. They talked for a while longer, then drove away.

Said Lourdes in Mexico City, ?God keeps showing us his mercy.?



With 40 Days for Life, David wears many hats. Prior to joining the 40 Days for Life team, he was an award-winning radio and TV journalist. He has also served as a board member for a pregnancy help center and as publications director for a major national pro-life organization.