Someone is calling you an extremist.
Who is it?
It's Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards.
Cecile is not happy because last week, she got an eyeful of the March for Life -- or as Planned Parenthood referred to this massive pro-life outpouring, the "March of Lies."
Planned Parenthood is mad -- and worried. Because they have no momentum at the local level, their strategy is to sit at their headquarters and create labels for you with one goal in mind -- raising money.
Their $500 million in tax funding is being threatened ... and they are pulling out all of the stops in an effort to keep that money.
Your help is needed.
The first thing you can do is pray!
This is God's work ... and without Him, we can do nothing.
Next, you can join the nationwide series of vigils and rallies outside Planned Parenthood abortion facilities and abortion referral centers on Saturday, February 11.
You'll find a link to your closest location here.
On that same page, you'll find links to a webcast and two podcasts that will give you the full story about Planned Parenthood ... as well as their new strategy in 2017.
There is stronger support than ever before for cutting off the half BILLION in your tax dollars that is sent to Planned Parenthood every year. But you must stand strong to be sure your wishes are heard in the halls of Congress.
If you stand up for the protection of the innocent children in the womb that Planned Parenthood targets for abortion (almost 324,000 a year), then I suppose Planned Parenthood would consider you an extremist.
So please pray ... find a February 11 rally to attend ... and get ready for the largest spring 40 Days for Life campaign ever, beginning March 1!
February 3, 2017
You're being called extreme
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