"It's important we stand up for life at all stages,? Bishop Frank Dewane of the Venice diocese told a news team from WBBH-TV, the local NBC affiliate.
?Mostly it's those at the beginning of life and the end of life who can't speak up for themselves."
While the station noted the presence of pro-abortion demonstrators outside Planned Parenthood, the reporter said the 40 Days for Life vigil participants far outnumbered them.
A Planned Parenthood spokesman repeated the organization?s familiar talking point that abortions represent only three percent of the services they provide.
That claim has been roundly refuted, even by news outlets such as the Washington Post. But the vigil participants said even one abortion is one too many.
"We believe that babies have a right to life and not to be killed at this facility," one of the volunteers told the reporter. "We're doing a peaceful prayer vigil for the people that are going to go into the abortion facility or find themselves pregnant and aren't sure what they want to do."
March 4, 2017
Naples, Florida
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