Two couples said "yes" to life at the 40 Days for Life vigil in Orange!

A man and woman who'd parked in front of Planned Parenthood agreed to talk to a volunteer ... who immediately asked a priest who was praying at the vigil to join her.

The mother wanted the abortion, but the father did not. The priest said he had just attended a Rachel's Vineyard retreat for women hurt by abortion. He told of the pain they had experienced.

He prayed with the couple, offered them a blessing ... and begged them to keep the baby. At the end of their discussion, they chose life!

While this was going on, another couple spoke to the volunteers ... and they also changed their minds. They, too, were going to keep their baby!


With 40 Days for Life, David wears many hats. Prior to joining the 40 Days for Life team, he was an award-winning radio and TV journalist. He has also served as a board member for a pregnancy help center and as publications director for a major national pro-life organization.