Fall 2024 | Sept 25 - Nov 3

Denver Campaign

Denver, CO
sign up for vigil hours
Fall 2024 | Sept 25 - Nov 3 Map
Vigil Location

Planned Parenthood
7155 East 38th Avenue Denver, CO

Get directions

"40 Days 365" encourages prayer presence outside the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic at 7155 E. 38th Avenue in Denver, CO 80207 whenever they are open. Volunteers are asked to find a buddy or two - please don't pray alone - and sign up at a time that is convenient for all of you.

Volunteers can pray on the west side of Pontiac Street, between 38th and 39th Avenue, across from Planned Parenthood's main entrance. Or you and your friends can walk and pray on the sidewalk around Planned Parenthood. Parking is available along Pontiac Street.

Please remain aware, vigilant and respectful when you're praying. Through peaceful prayer and public witness, our intent is to offer help and hope. Our First Amendment rights are protected by staying on the sidewalk, across the yellow line, at the entrance to Planned Parenthood. Plan to attend with at least one friend and remember to be aware of your surroundings at all times. If you have any concerns about safety, please call 911. 

Therefore, before you sign up for a shift, you must agree to the following:

  • Review and sign our Statement of Peace
  • Sign up with a buddy. Never pray alone there as part of 40 Days for Life 365. You must be with at least one other prayer warrior to participate in this program. 
  • If you see anything suspicious, head to a safe space (such as your car, with doors locked) and call 911.   

People and organizations of goodwill are welcome to sign-up for hours and to adopt full days. 40 Days for Life is non-denominational, we welcome people and organizations that desire to see abortion ended, to sign the statement of peace and to agree to pray peacefully, without using graphic images or condemning language. For more information on this reach out to Brad Maddock at info@saverofsouls.org.

Thank you and we look forward to being with you!


***En Español***


"40 Días por la Vida 365" anima a a que siempre estén acompañados a todos los que hacen oración presencial fuera de la clínica de aborto de Planned Parenthood ubicada en 7155 E. 38th Avenue en Denver CO 80207. Se pide a los voluntarios que busquen un compañero o dos -por favor, no recen solos- y que se apunten a una hora que sea conveniente para todos.

Los voluntarios pueden rezar en el aparcamiento del lado oeste de la calle Pontiac, entre las avenidas 38 y 39, frente a la entrada principal de Planned Parenthood. O usted y sus amistades pueden caminar y rezar en la cerca alrededor de Planned Parenthood. Hay estacionamiento disponible a lo largo de la calle Pontiac o en el estacionamiento en el lado oeste de la calle Pontiac.

Por favor, mantengase atento, vigilante y respetuoso cuando esté rezando. A través de la oración pacífica y el testimonio público, nuestra intención es ofrecer ayuda y esperanza. Nuestros derechos de la Primera Enmienda están protegidos al permanecer en la cerca, al otro lado de la línea amarilla, en la entrada de Planned Parenthood. Planee asistir con al menos un amigo y recuerde ser consciente de su entorno en todo momento. Si tiene alguna duda sobre su seguridad, llame al 911.

Por lo tanto, antes de inscribirse en un turno, debe aceptar lo siguiente:

  • Revisar y firmar nuestra Declaración de Paz oficial de 40 Días por la Vida
  • Inscribirse con un compañero. Nunca rece solo allí como parte de 40 Días por la Vida 365. Debe estar con al menos otro guerrero de oración para participar en este programa.
  • Si ves algo sospechoso, diríjase a un espacio seguro (como tu coche, con las puertas cerradas) y llama al 911.  

Las personas y organizaciones de buena voluntad son bienvenidas a inscribirse para rezar durante el horario activo y a adoptar días completos. 40 Días por la Vida no es confesional, damos la bienvenida a las personas y organizaciones que desean que se acabe con el aborto, para que firmen la declaración de paz y se comprometan a rezar pacíficamente, sin utilizar imágenes gráficas ni lenguaje condenatorio. Para más información sobre esto, comuníquese con Brad Maddock al correo electronico info@saverofsouls.org.


¡Gracias y esperamos contar con ustedes!


Local events
Mass with Fr. John Mrosek | Our Lady of Fatima

Saturday, September 28th

Join Fr. John Mrosek and Our Lady of Fatima parishioners for Mass in the garden at Marisol Health Denver.

Address: Across from 7155 E. 38th Ave Denver, Colorado 80207, US

Time: 10:00 AM

Mass with St. Mary and Our Lady of Peace

Thursday, October 3rd

Let us all join St. Mary's and Our Lady of Peace for prayer to abortion and noon Mass in the garden at Marisol Health Denver.

Address: Across from 7155 E. 38th Ave Denver, Colorado 80207, US

Time: 10:00 AM

Mass with Fr. Kevin | Our Lady of Loreto

Wednesday, October 9th

Join us for Mass with the Our Lady of Loreto parishioners in the garden at Marisol Health Denver.

Address: Across from 7155 E. 38th Ave Denver, Colorado 80207, US

Time: 2:00 PM

Mass with St. Augustine Parish

Thursday, October 10th

Join us for Mass with St. Augustine parishioners in the garden at Marisol Health Denver.

Address: Across from 7155 E. 38th Ave Denver, Colorado 80207, US

Time: 1:00 PM

Mass with Fr. Adam Bradshaw & Fr. Joseph Cao

Friday, October 11th

Join us for Mass in English at 10:30 am and Mass in Spanish at 12:00 pm with Spirit of Christ parishioners in the garden at Marisol Health Denver. ----------- Únase a nosotros para la Misa en inglés a las 10:30 am y la Misa en español a las 12:00 pm con los feligreses del Espíritu de Cristo en el jardín de Marisol Health Denver.

Address: Across from 7155 E. 38th Ave Denver, Colorado 80207, US

Time: 10:30 AM

Mass with Fr. Paul | Risen Christ

Thursday, October 17th

Join us for Mass with Risen Christ parishioners in the garden at Marisol Health Denver.

Address: Across from 7155 E. 38th Ave Denver, CO 80207, US

Time: 10:00 AM

Mass with Holy Rosary Parish

Saturday, October 19th

Join us for Mass with Holy Rosary parishioners in the garden at Marisol Health Denver.

Address: Across from 7155 E. 38th Ave Denver, Colorado 80207, US

Time: 10:00 AM

Mass with Fr. Kevin | Our Lady of Loreto Parish

Monday, October 21st

Join us for Mass with Our Lady of Loreto parishioners in the garden at Marisol Health Denver.

Address: Across from 7155 E. 38th Ave Denver, Colorado 80207, US

Time: 10:00 AM

Mass with Fr. Barnabas | Catholic Charities

Wednesday, October 23rd

Join us for Mass with Catholic Charities staff in the garden at Marisol Health Denver.

Address: Across from 7155 E. 38th Ave Denver, Colorado 80207, US

Time: 12:00 PM

Mass with Fr. Emanuele | Nativity of Our Lord

Friday, October 25th

Join us for Mass with Nativity of Our Lord parishioners in the garden at Marisol Health Denver.

Address: Across from 7155 E. 38th Ave Denver, Colorado 80207, US

Time: 12:30 PM

Mass with Fr. Trevor | Spirit of Christ

Saturday, October 26th

Join us for Mass with Spirit of Christ parishioners in the garden at Marisol Health Denver.

Address: Across from 7155 E. 38th Ave Denver, Colorado 80207, US

Time: 11:00 AM

Mass with St. Vincent de Paul Parish

Wednesday, October 30th

Join us for Mass with St. Vincent de Paul parishioners in the garden at Marisol Health Denver.

Address: Across from 7155 E. 38th Ave Denver, Colorado 80207, US

Time: 4:00 PM

Eucharistic Procession, Benediction, & Mass

Saturday, November 2nd

Archbishop Aquila, with the assistance of Fr. John Paul, will be leading the Eucharistic Procession and Benediction on November 2nd at 9:45 am am in the garden at Marisol Health Denver. The Eucharist will be processed around Planned Parenthood, followed by a Benediction at the Marisol garden and Mass hosted by St. Frances Cabrini parish immediately following. Please join us in this powerful time of prayer and community as we pray for the sanctity of life and an end to abortion.

Address: Across from 7155 E. 38th Ave Denver, Colorado 80207, US

Time: 9:45 AM

Leader Contact Info

Jeannine Duffield

(720) 799-9298


Send A message


Letter to Prayer Warriors

Safety Appendix B

40 Days for Life 365 Flyer

Declaración de Paz

Statement of Peace

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