"We have seen more involvement this second time around," said Shawn, the 40 Days for Life leader in West Bloomfield, "with groups from at least three different congregations joining in."

The vigil site is on a well-traveled road, and the impact on passersby has been profound. Some just ask why the prayer volunteers are there, some are quite curious ... and others want to talk about things.

Others from the community have stopped to say "thank you" ... some even showing appreciation with hot beverages and snacks.

"We have definitely touched a nerve in this community," Shawn said, "with many negative reactions, seemingly moreso than the last campaign. Someone even threw food at us -- an ice cream cone from Dairy Queen. Thankfully he had bad aim or else our angels deflected it!"

One volunteer reported that a car full of men drove circles around her, shouting obscenities. Another driver tried to run over the 40 Days for Life signs posted at the prayer site.

"We persevere in the name of Christ," Shawn said, "in hopes that many will come to His saving grace and moms and babies will be spared the pain and death of abortion."


With 40 Days for Life, David wears many hats. Prior to joining the 40 Days for Life team, he was an award-winning radio and TV journalist. He has also served as a board member for a pregnancy help center and as publications director for a major national pro-life organization.