The record-sized campaign starts tomorrow! Consider donating $50 or more online by 11:59 p.m. tomorrow to get What to Say When. Donate $100 or more and get What to Say When, What to Say When 2, and The Scalpel and the Soul:

The largest 40 Days for Life campaign EVER begins TOMORROW in 703 cities worldwide.

Get ready to hit the streets and end abortion where YOU live by watching our new video previewing this autumn's vigil:

To watch the video, click the image or visit:

Share this video with your friends, by email, and on your social media pages, and then sign up to pray in front of your local abortion business TOMORROW through November 3 at:

When you answer the call, the no-show rate for abortion appointments goes as high as 75 percent!

"Just come and see," said Rebecca, the 40 Days for Life leader in Lynnwood, Washington. "Just come and see and stand on the sidewalk for just an hour, because it really will change you."


"I'm encouraging you to come out with us," said Kevin, who heads up the 40 Days for Life vigil in Toledo, Ohio. "If you don't do it, who is going to do it? How can we stay silent?"

Marietta, Georgia

Suzanne was nervous that few would show up for her long-scheduled 40 Days for Life kickoff rally because the recent presidential debate fell on the same evening...

...but her faithful team of pro-lifers put their faith in God, not politicians, to end abortion, as 165 people turned out for the event!

"Humbled by every soul in attendance," Suzanne said. "What an amazing team!"

2023 40 Days for Life leader of the year Rich and former abortionist Dr. John Bruchalski, provided powerful keynote addresses.

The big start has the Marietta team poised to build on a stunning year in which their prayers have already helped save more than 20 babies from abortion!

Atlanta, Georgia

Not far from Marietta, Cathy is leading a NEW 40 Days for Life vigil in the Peach State's capital and largest city.

She's off to a fast start with a powerful launch event that featured moving talks from a mom who chose life as well as a mom who regretted choosing abortion.

"I really thought my world was gonna end," said the mom who chose life in response to the prayers of Cathy and her team. "But little did I know my world was just starting!"

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

--2 Chronicles 7:14

Heavenly Father, we cry out for Your mercy and ask You to remove the scourge of abortion from our land. Use us as your vessels, Lord, to bring the light of Your truth to our nation once again.

Once again, please find the location nearest you...and join your hometown vigil tomorrow:

Shawn Carney, President/CEO

In addition to co-founding 40 Days for Life, Shawn is one of the most sought-after pro-life speakers, addressing audiences coast-to-coast and internationally. He has executive produced award-winning pro-life documentaries. Shawn co-authored the #1 top-rated Christian book: 40 Days for Life: Discover What God Has Done ... Imagine What He Can Do and also wrote The Beginning of the End of Abortion.