Saturday is the busiest abortion day of the week! Why not sign up to pray TODAY:

Since the first campaign 20 years ago, 40 Days for Life has seen pockets of explosive growth around the world.

Puerto Rico appears to be the next region primed to break out. Our outreach director, former Planned Parenthood manager Ramona Trevino, recently visited the island to plant seeds in the fertile soil.

Dozens of pro-lifers--including brand-new participants--attended a joint prayer rally for the Bayamon and Carolina campaigns. God must have big plans for Ramona's message to the group. Event organizers forgot to charge the sound system, and the battery was completely dead... they plugged it into an outlet. Only after Ramona spoke was it discovered that the outlet was not connected to a power source!

"An engineer investigated the situation, only to be left dumbfounded," Ramona recalled. "The entire time I spoke, the microphone worked. I can only conclude that it had been powered by Jesus!"

The next day, Ramona shared her testimony and the 40 Days for Life mission with nearly 20 priests from across the San Juan area.

Also presenting at the event was Ana, the local Rachel's Vineyard post-abortion retreat coordinator, whose eyes welled up with tears as she noticed a Polish priest sitting in the back of the room.

Fifteen years earlier, Ana was in church, begging God to forgive her for having an abortion when she closed her eyes and literally saw the rays of Christ's mercy pouring out upon her.

"Ana met that Polish priest that day 15 years ago," Ramona explained. "He consoled Ana, pulled a rosary from his pocket, and placed it in her hands. He assured her of God's love, and Ana never saw him again, that is, until Monday."

Ana trembled as she gestured toward the Polish priest. "You probably don't remember me, Father," she said. "But that was you who put that rosary in my hands and spoke healing words to me. And here you are. I still carry that rosary with me all these years later because it meant so much to me!" 

Nashville, Tennessee

When she was 17 years old, Michelle learned that her mother had met an abortionist in a bar. That abortionist directed her to follow him upstairs, where he could take care of her "problem."

Michelle's mom left that attempted abortion thinking she was no longer pregnant...and hemorrhaging so badly she thought she might die.

Fortunately, both Michelle and her mother survived the abortion attempt, making it possible for Michelle to share the harrowing tale with 40 Days for Life rally attendees in the Volunteer State.

Olivia Decaria, who was targeted for abortion because she has Down syndrome, also spoke at the rally. She reminded attendees that every person deserves the right to have a job, loving friends and family, and faith. 

Waterbury, Connecticut

A college student who said she's "not pro-life" because she "believes in women's autonomy" approached vigil participants to talk.

"She was very gracious and interested in our stories and listened respectfully when we talked about our pro-life beliefs and faith in Jesus," reported Kathy, the local 40 Days for Life leader. 

Will that conversation result in a conversion? It's too soon to say, but seeds were planted!

"I gave her a Miraculous Medal, and she seemed pleased," Kathy added.  

But to you who hear I say, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.

--Luke 6:27-28

Lord, you showed friendship to the sinners and outcasts. You have been merciful in offering friendship to me. I long for true friendship with you and a Christ-centered friendship with those who need me. Let me show your kindness to those who fight against the right to life. Let me be understanding of their misguided intentions and own experiences. Let me be a bridge over which people may cross to your truth, goodness, and love.

Shawn Carney, President/CEO

In addition to co-founding 40 Days for Life, Shawn is one of the most sought-after pro-life speakers, addressing audiences coast-to-coast and internationally. He has executive produced award-winning pro-life documentaries. Shawn co-authored the #1 top-rated Christian book: 40 Days for Life: Discover What God Has Done ... Imagine What He Can Do and also wrote The Beginning of the End of Abortion.