It's not uncommon for abortion clients to tell 40 Days for Life participants that they are at the abortion facility seeking services other than abortion.

That was the case with a married couple in Honolulu...but James knew it was abortion day at Planned Parenthood.

So he offered the husband and wife information on local pro-life health care resources--and then he asked to pray with them.

"I prayed that the love, peace, and joy of Jesus Christ would cover their family always and provide for them," James said. "When I ended the prayer, I looked up, and the young man was crying and so was his wife."

The woman admitted that they had come for the abortion pill because they already had two young children. Sure enough, a toddler and a little baby sat in the back seat.

The couple had been assured that their insurance would cover the abortion, but when they called the insurance company to confirm, they found out they'd have to pay out of pocket.

Between the insurance denial and the 40 Days for Life presence on the sidewalk, the couple opted NOT to have the abortion!

James offered a blessing bag and a baby hat. He also got the couple's phone number and permission to check in with them. "I've been texting them, and I'm gonna get together with them next week!" he said.

Rochester, New York

An expectant mother left Planned Parenthood, approached 40 Days for Life participants, and told them she wouldn't have the abortion...

...but she did have many needs--including housing, transportation, and food. So prayer warriors connected her with help.

"The vigil participants put her in touch with our mom mentor, who is going to provide her with the resources she needs," wrote Rick, the longtime Rochester campaign leader.

A week later, prayer warriors observed a couple pull into the parking lot, wait for several minutes, and leave. Dorothy approached the exiting vehicle to offer a gift bag.

"They revealed that they came for an abortion but changed their minds and decided to have the baby," Rick said. "Praise God!"

Modena, Italy

A woman in her 40s slowed her car, rolled down her window, and exclaimed, "I was thinking of having an abortion, and thanks to you, I didn't!"

It marked the first time the Modena volunteers have witnessed a baby saved by their prayers.

"What we are witnessing not only makes our hearts burn with joy but shows that 40 Days for Life is an instrument of God," wrote Andrea, the campaign leader. "He is on our side in the midst of the provocations and criticisms we receive."

But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you may not appear to others to be fasting, except to your Father who is hidden. And your Father who sees what is hidden will repay you.

--Matthew 6:17-18

Heavenly Father, we ask for humility in our prayer and fasting. Help us to place you at the center of our lives so that others will come to know you through our words and deeds. As we continue through these 40 days, help us to listen to your voice, act in accord with your will, and trust in the power of prayer even when we don’t always see the fruits on earth. Amen.

Shawn Carney, President/CEO

In addition to co-founding 40 Days for Life, Shawn is one of the most sought-after pro-life speakers, addressing audiences coast-to-coast and internationally. He has executive produced award-winning pro-life documentaries. Shawn co-authored the #1 top-rated Christian book: 40 Days for Life: Discover What God Has Done ... Imagine What He Can Do and also wrote The Beginning of the End of Abortion.