Struggling to sell "choice," abortion advocates have changed tactics.

An article in this month's issue of Reason suggests that abortion is no longer perceived as a choice...but as a tragic, though compassionate, way to spare sick babies needless suffering.

But there's nothing compassionate about killing the vulnerable.

When prenatal testing revealed that a growth restriction prevented Stephanie and Brad's baby from developing properly, doctors suggested a late-term abortion. "There was this concept that I'd be able to get over the life of my child and get started having another child," Stephanie recalled.

For a moment, that made abortion sound reasonable. But Stephanie and Brad resisted the fearmongering, the dehumanizing words, and a panel of three doctors probing to make sure they were absolutely certain they didn't want to kill their son.

Remy was born at 25 weeks and five days. And just as his parents fought for him, Remy fought for his parents.

His mere survival was just the first of many miracles, as Stephanie and Brad saw their son inspire nonbelievers to begin praying, a loved one to begin attending church daily, and a friend who didn't want children to change her mind.

How did Remy do it? "All he did was exist," Brad said.

Remy breathed his last after just 53 days outside the womb, but he continues to inspire his parents, who decided to fight for other vulnerable babies by launching a 40 Days for Life campaign in Port Macquarie, Australia.

The vigil is a means for Stephanie and Brad to transform their pain into healing for women who have suffered the trauma of abortion.

"We have had a number of post-abortive women who have been able to grieve and share their feelings of loss and regret with vigil volunteers," Brad reported. "[Other passersby] pause and stare thoughtfully at the sign showing...our son born at 25 weeks."

Remy, Stephanie, and Brad will be featured in a 2025 issue of Day 41 magazine.

Visit NOW to get your FREE subscription to Day 41 before the December issue goes to print!

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LaVale, Maryland

When the overturning of Roe v. Wade made it possible for West Virginia to protect unborn babies from abortion, one of the state's abortion facilities relocated to Western Maryland.

The move doesn't appear to be successful so far.

LaVale 40 Days for Life leader Morgan said her team isn't seeing many clients patronizing the facility.

"We are praying this center closes this year," she said.  

Houlton, Maine

Rather than waiting for pro-lifers to come to her to get involved in 40 Days for Life, Peggy took a more proactive approach.

She contacted local pastors and asked which Sunday morning would best fit their calendars for a brief presentation on her campaign. Then, she followed up with a phone call.

Peggy said the outreach has been very productive.

"After speaking at Dyer Brook Community Church, the women's Bible study group attended our prayer vigil the next week," she shared. "We made a bold public witness of our voice for the voiceless."

While he was still a long way off, his father caught sight of him, and was filled with compassion. He ran to his son, embraced him and kissed him.”

--Luke 15:20

Jesus, you have given us good pastors to lead your faithful. We thank you for their guidance and service, and we ask you to give them renewed strength. Help them to follow you with steadfast devotion. Guide their every action and give them the words to say to bring many people back to you. Amen.

Shawn Carney, President/CEO

In addition to co-founding 40 Days for Life, Shawn is one of the most sought-after pro-life speakers, addressing audiences coast-to-coast and internationally. He has executive produced award-winning pro-life documentaries. Shawn co-authored the #1 top-rated Christian book: 40 Days for Life: Discover What God Has Done ... Imagine What He Can Do and also wrote The Beginning of the End of Abortion.