Dr. Haywood Robinson has come a long way since his days as an abortion provider.
After he and his wife (who also did abortions) met the Lord, they became staunch pro-life advocates.
Dr. Robinson knows the abortion industry inside and out and has been part of 40 Days for Life since the first campaign in 2004. That's why, after retiring from medicine, he now serves as the new Director of Medical Affairs and Education for 40 Days for Life.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, August 13 at 9am Eastern/8am Central, Dr. Robinson will appear on The 700 Club (on the Freeform Channel) to discuss his former life as an abortion doctor, his conversion, and YOUR role in the exodus of former abortion workers from the industry.
Tune in!
Abortion continues to generate a lot of headlines lately.
Recently, I joined Fox & Friends on Fox News to talk about why Planned Parenthood is searching for its third president in the last year and a half.
To watch the interview, visit?https://video.foxnews.com/v/6060231470001/
Unprecedented media coverage will help bring MORE volunteers out to the streets to peacefully pray for an end to abortion this autumn.
The largest-ever campaign runs September 25 - November 3. We'll see you out on the sidewalks!
August 12, 2019
700 Club features 40 Days for Life tomorrow!
This feature is under construction.