Eleven people gathered to pray at the 40 Days for Life vigil in St. Paul one morning ... including four nurses and a couple of counselors who'd traveled some distance to get there.
It's always important to know the neighborhood ... and some of these volunteers knew they had a better chance of speaking to Planned Parenthood clients at a location behind the building.
They saw a pair of women in a truck heading into the parking lot and tried to get their attention. However, the two simply went inside.
About an hour later, the truck was seen again -- exiting Planned Parenthood?s driveway.
"I offered the woman in the passenger seat post-abortion healing literature," said one of the volunteers. "The driver, an older woman, leaned toward me and said, 'She couldn't do it. She didn't have the abortion!' I gave her a baby gift."
The vigil participants noticed that woman who had changed her mind seemed rather agitated.
"Leaving Planned Parenthood because you changed your mind about abortion must be sort of like driving your car to the edge of a cliff, seeing the scary drop below and then doing a U-turn," a volunteer said. "Leaves you a little shaken."
Another 40 Days for Life participant summed up the morning at Planned Parenthood: "We go out, we speak the truth and we leave the results to God."
April 8, 2016
St. Paul, Minnesota

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