As we approach the start of the largest spring 40 Days for Life campaign EVER on March 1 ... I have an encouraging message for YOU that we received over the weekend!
The president of the Pontifical Academy for Life visited 40 Days for Life headquarters in Bryan, Texas -- the former Planned Parenthood abortion center that now serves as our offices -- and said that what you're doing is a "work of miracles."
This was the first time Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia had ever visited a former abortion center.
He said the place was once a ?house of pain and great trouble, and especially great loneliness? ? but it has been transformed into a ?house of life.?
The Pontifical Academy for Life is the Vatican office that serves as a voice for the sanctity of human life. As the pope's appointed representative, Archbishop Paglia is the Catholic Church's authority on life issues ... and his visit was a great honor.
Archbishop Paglia gave 40 Days for Life his official endorsement last fall, after learning about the effort that he described as ?life blooming like a flower.?
He complimented 40 Days for Life for "working with all Christians to share the love of Jesus Christ to change hearts and minds. Changing laws is not enough, we must change hearts and minds."
The archbishop also challenged 40 Days for Life to continue to grow, referencing what Jesus did by starting with just 12 apostles."They had no strategy, only sandals and faith in Christ. It was simple and it changed the world -- and this is what you are doing for the Gospel of Life."
Following his meeting with 40 Days for Life staff and board members, he said, ?When you let yourself be guided by the gospel, miracles do happen, and the world is no longer the same. And it?s not just buildings that change. It?s hearts.?
He also referenced Mother Teresa's example to all Christians in her willingness to take care of any "unwanted" child.
In addition to the 40 Days for Life offices, the building now hosts a life-affirming medical center operated by Dr. Haywood Robinson, a 40 Days for Life board member ... and former abortion doctor.
Dr. Robinson explained the way Planned Parenthood disposed of aborted babies' remains -- a story that deeply saddened the archbishop.
After touring the facility where over 6,000 abortions were done, Archbishop Paglia spoke of Pope Francis and his concerns about a throwaway culture, ?where the world continues today to throw away life. Here in this facility, that whole culture is reversed, turned on its head. Here, no one?s thrown away, and no one?s abandoned.?
Archbishop Paglia was gracious and joyful in his message and wanted me to thank you for showing the love and mercy of Christ where abortions happen.
As we prepare our hearts to enter into 40 Days for Life on March 1, please find your campaign location, be encouraged, and trust in God's love to change hearts and minds through the most powerful weapon in the world -- prayer.
If you haven't found your nearest 40 Days for Life vigil yet, here's the place to go:
Share this email, chose a campaign, and sign up today as we pray, fast, and hold peaceful vigil to end abortion where you live.
February 7, 2017
Vatican rep thanks 40 Days for Life

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