Saturdays are usually one of the busiest days at the Planned Parenthood facility in Fayetteville.
Usually. But not on this Saturday. Planned Parenthood was closed!
?We don't know the story,? said Amie in Fayetteville, ?but we can rejoice in the fact that when there is no business, that reduces the risk to babies lives.?
Business or no business, the volunteers were still there to pray. It wasn?t long before this story was shared.
A young woman pulled into the parking lot and asked the volunteers to come look at her four-month old child. She then told them how she had come to this facility to get an abortion last year, but saw people standing outside and decided not to have the abortion.
?Remember this story,? Amie said. ?Remember that you may never know who sees you or how much of an impact you may have by just simply being there. Without knowing it, you may be saving a baby's life.
March 18, 2017
Fayetteville, North Carolina
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