North American campaign director Steve Karlen joined volunteers in Des Moines for their 40 Days for Life midpoint rally.

?Geneveve, the local leader, brought together a great group for the vigil?including three pastors,? Steve said. ?We met at a local church, and the intention was to conduct a candlelight procession to Planned Parenthood. The strong winds blew out the candles, but the procession continued nevertheless.?

While in Des Moines, he learned that Iowa has closed more abortion businesses than any other state except Texas over the last few years. ?The number of abortions has decreased by about 40% -- from more than 6,000 to fewer than 4,000 -- in the last decade.?

The Des Moines vigil takes place at Planned Parenthood of the Heartland?s flagship location in Des Moines. ?The locals reported that?in spite of the many abortion centers that have closed in Iowa?the parking lot doesn?t usually seem very busy,? Steve said ? proof that ?we can save lives and advance toward the end of abortion.?


With 40 Days for Life, David wears many hats. Prior to joining the 40 Days for Life team, he was an award-winning radio and TV journalist. He has also served as a board member for a pregnancy help center and as publications director for a major national pro-life organization.