Prayer is required to combat evil -- and abortion is evil.
Today, as we gear up for the largest spring 40 Days for Life campaign yet with vigils in 354 cities, we are reminded of the evil of abortion from -- of all places -- the Washington Post.
Normally, the Post would not report on a clergyman asking God's blessing on a newly-opened business. But this was different.
The business was a late-term abortion facility -- where the very practice that puts America's abortion laws in the company of China and North Korea takes place.
According to the Washington Post, Rev. Carlton Veazey prayed to the "God of grace and God of glory" for the abortion center's staff. "Keep them safe and keep them strong," he said. "And may they always know that all that they do is for Thy glory."
Other clergy walked through the building and sprinkled water "as a symbol of sanctification" as they offered similar prayers.
This happened in a place where babies in the womb -- at over 20 weeks -- are violently killed.
What is this place that the Washington Post and a handful of pro-abortion clergy find so fascinating?
It's a late-term abortion center in Bethesda, Maryland ... just outside Washington, DC ... and the abortionist is LeRoy Carhart, a notorious and angry figure in the industry.
Almost every week, Carhart flies in from his home in Nebraska to do abortions that are illegal in almost every other US state. (Rest assured ... there will be a 40 Days for Life vigil there!)
In just over a week, the next 40 Days for Life campaign starts ... running from February 14 to March 25 ... and it's crucial that we put our spiritual lives first.
That's the topic of one of the newest 40 Days for Life podcasts:
It's called "First Things First -- Again." Simply put, when defending the unborn in a hostile culture ? we must constantly be aware that we are called to give everything to God and put Him first in our lives.
So please be sure you're spiritually ready for the new campaign!
Find the location nearest you and sign up now to pray and fast for an end to abortion! It has never been more important.
February 6, 2018
This is evil

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