In Philadelphia, Monique tells of a young woman that 40 Days for Life volunteers directed to a local pregnancy care center.
She confided in the counselors that she's overwhelmed by the idea of raising another baby ... but once she heard about the support available through the center, she chose life. She said the counselors helped her realize that having the child was what she was meant to do.
Vigil participants also met a mother of two ... who was setting up an abortion appointment because her husband didn't want another child. "I know it's not good," she told them, "but he won't let me" have this baby.
"Please pray for her and her husband," Monique said, "that she is willing and enabled to stand up for her child, that we can help them."
She reminded the 40 Days for Life volunteers that "none of this is possible if you aren't out there."
March 19, 2018
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

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