You are officially one in a million.
This spring God multiplied your prayers and sacrifices with a HUGE milestone as we saw the 1,000,000th volunteer joined a local 40 Days for Life campaign!
A million pro-life prayer warriors have made an incredible impact in communities worldwide. On Tuesday's GAMECHANGER video webcast (9 pm Eastern), we'll showcase the stunning ways God has responded to your prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigil:
- How local heroes persevering through unprecedented persecution saved hundreds of moms and babies from abortion
- The cumulative number of abortion workers who have left their jobs through 40 Days for Life...and how those worker conversions are starving the abortion industry of employees
- How the burgeoning army of 1,000,000 pro-life prayer warriors will make this autumn's campaign the largest mobilization of pro-lifers in history
- How you can help DOUBLE the impact of the worldwide 40 Days for Life movement
DATE: Tuesday, April 30
TIME: 9 pm Eastern/8 pm Central/7 pm Mountain/6 pm Pacific
Spaces on the April 30 GAMECHANGER video webcast are limited, so please register now:
I can't wait to talk with you Tuesday night!