After nearly two decades of 40 Days for Life vigils, Jim and the Green Bay, Wisconsin, 40 Days for Life team have spent 33,600 hours on the sidewalk praying for an end to abortion...

...and they're still growing. Jim used a visit from 40 Days for Life outreach director and former Planned Parenthood manager Ramona Trevino to host a rally for the local Latino community.

"The turnout was better than I could have imagined," Jim said as HUNDREDS of Spanish-speaking Christians attended.

The event exposed Planned Parenthood's eugenics agenda to one of its most targeted demographics. "Most attendees had no previous knowledge of Planned Parenthood, its history, its presence in Latin America, or its targeting of the Hispanic community in the United States," Ramona noted. "Many expressed no previous exposure to abortion or even to the term "pro-life" because abortion is simply a nonissue where they're from."

They know now.

The next day, dozens of English speakers showed up for a second event--this one in English.

"One thing is for sure," Ramona said. "Important seeds were planted. These events were worth every effort Jim and his team put into planning and putting them together."

Madison, Wisconsin

Wisconsin's capital city held just one event with Ramona, but it was a bilingual event.

In addition to Ramona's testimony of leaving Planned Parenthood, Fr. Drew shared--in both English and Spanish--his powerful story of how time spent at Madison's 40 Days for Life vigil helped lead him to his vocation as a Catholic priest.

Dr. John from the campaign leadership team provided a primer on the abortion pill and abortion pill reversal, which was translated into Spanish by another team member.

Madison's kickoff event was also notable for the youth contingent present. Students from St. Paul's University Catholic Center on the University of Wisconsin campus as well as St. Ambrose Academy, a junior high and high school, attended.

Those students should apply for 40 Days for Life's 4040 Scholarship.

Appleton, Wisconsin

Appleton's Planned Parenthood abortion facility closed years ago after numerous 40 Days for Life campaigns, so the vigil now takes place at the Planned Parenthood abortion referral site.

Even after many years, the campaign continues to welcome new participants. "A number of people in attendance had never been involved in 40 Days for Life," Ramona said.

In addition to bringing in new participants, Ramona's talk rejuvenated some of the weary faithful. "One woman thanked me for re-inspiring her to keep volunteering," Ramona said. "After hearing my conversion story, she committed to increase the hours and days she'll spend on the sidewalk this fall!"

You can recommit to joining the sidewalk by signing up to pray at:

Her neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had shown his great mercy toward her, and they rejoiced with her.

--Luke 1:58

Dear Lord, thank you for the gift of friendship. Teach us to see your beauty in those around us, and give us the grace to serve our friends and neighbors. We ask you to especially bless the families and friends of expectant mothers. Help those who are close to expectant mothers to offer the compassionate care that Elizabeth’s friends did throughout her pregnancy. Help us never to close our eyes to women in need. Amen.

Shawn Carney, President/CEO

In addition to co-founding 40 Days for Life, Shawn is one of the most sought-after pro-life speakers, addressing audiences coast-to-coast and internationally. He has executive produced award-winning pro-life documentaries. Shawn co-authored the #1 top-rated Christian book: 40 Days for Life: Discover What God Has Done ... Imagine What He Can Do and also wrote The Beginning of the End of Abortion.