Spring 2025 | Mar 5 - Apr 13

Tyler Campaign

Tyler, TX United States
sign up for vigil hours
Spring 2025 | Mar 5 - Apr 13 Map
Vigil Location

Planned Parenthood
601 Turtle Creek Dr Tyler, TX

Get directions

Welcome, 40 Days for Life volunteers, to the Spring 2025 Campaign!

We are so glad you are joining us in the ongoing battle to end abortion in America.  While this campaign will function the same as all the ones before it, this one is also different.  And what is different about the Spring 2025 campaign is we are living in a post-Roe time in history that is full of promise and hope for our precious unborn.  It is exciting and, also, a little disconcerting due to the reaction of supporters of abortion and other anti-life agenda. 

We must pray to reflect God's Love even more deeply!  And, even though we have the sober realization of what goes on at Planned Parenthood, let us joyfully make our tree-canopied stand "the sunny side of the street"!

To that end, we would like to remind everyone of the “old” silent prayer guidelines for the Tyler campaign and add some new ones based on the situation since the overturn of  "Roe:':

      *   Do not park in Planned Parenthood’s shared parking lot.  Park instead on the street along Victory.

       *  Do not enter the parking lot on foot.  This is considered by Planned Parenthood to be trespassing, and they will respond accordingly.

        *  Do not engage either the Planned Parenthood clients or their employees. Our mission is silent prayer for these parties, unless you are a trained sidewalk counselor.

        *   If you arrive at your vigil time and find you are the only participant, please feel free to leave, but contact your day captain. 

        *   If you are alone at your vigil time and still wish to pray, please do so from the safety of your locked vehicle.  Again, contact your day captain to let him/her know you are alone and in your vehicle.

        *   Use the buddy system and bring a friend.  Even better, bring a group of friends. 

        *   If you see someone or something that makes you feel uncomfortable, keep yourself safe and either leave the area or get into your locked vehicle.  Contact your day captain.

        *   If you are approached by a possible Planned Parenthood client who is sincerely seeking assistance with her pregnancy, please provide her with the information about Axia Pregnancy Center, Project Gabriel, or any other literature that will be available to you at the prayer site.  And pray for her! Keep Axia’s number on your phone as well as that of the abortion pill reversal.  (Axia- 903-592-4495; Abortion Pill Reversal-877-558-0333.)

We don’t anticipate that any of us will experience any serious issues, but it is better to be prepared and aware of your surroundings.  The unborn babies of East Texas are depending on us to be there for them.   


Leader Contact Info

Lars Gustafson

(281) 782-6292


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