In case you missed it, check out my recent contentious interview with Bill O'Reilly discussing our new book, What to Say When 2:

The abortion industry has spent the last two years justifying abortion by claiming that a D&C procedure to remove a miscarried baby is the SAME THING as an abortion, which deliberately kills a living baby.

Abortion advocates are at it again, this time trying to pass off legitimate therapy as part of their transgender agenda.

Leonore could tell the middle-aged woman approaching her from the Thousand Oaks, California, Planned Parenthood was mad...

...and she was--mad at Planned Parenthood! She had come for hormone replacement therapy...which Planned Parenthood coded as "gender-affirming care."

"I am not trying to become a man!" the woman shouted.

Perhaps claims about demand for transgender services are overstated!

Leonore had a lengthy discussion with the woman, encouraged her to patronize another provider for her needs, and referred her to post-abortion healing.

Leonore was also able to connect a young couple who do not speak English with a Spanish speaker at a nearby pregnancy help center.

While that couple were not looking for services related to pregnancy or abortion, Leonore and the pregnancy center were able to team up and direct them away from Planned Parenthood. "We want to refer ALL business away from PP," she said.

Brooklyn, New York

Linda said her team in the Big Apple is seeing record participation in this fall's campaign.

"I had my first pastor attend with his outreach team!" she exclaimed. "I've had three more churches willing to work with us. That's more churches than I've ever had in a campaign. Praise the Lord!"

Halifax, Nova Scotia

You never know who you'll reach when you share the 40 Days for Life message.

While vacationing on a Canadian cruise, a pro-lifer ran into the local 40 Days for Life vigil--with a banner on proud display!

Anchorage, Alaska

More than 70 hardy pro-lifers showed up--in the rain--for a 40 Days for Life prayer rally in Anchorage.

One of the speakers has spent about 1,500 hours on the sidewalk praying and witnessing.

"She knows of several babies who were saved through God's grace working through her presence," shared Mary, the Anchorage leader. "Those lives are worth every minute of those 1,500 hours."

His mother said to the servers, "Do whatever he tells you."

--John 2:5

Lord Jesus, you have used water for wine and mud to make a blind man see. Please use me as your instrument on earth. Let others feel your compassion when I encounter them. Let your work be done through my hands. Please let me especially care for mothers and their unborn children with the faith that always desires to lead people to your side.

Shawn Carney, President/CEO

In addition to co-founding 40 Days for Life, Shawn is one of the most sought-after pro-life speakers, addressing audiences coast-to-coast and internationally. He has executive produced award-winning pro-life documentaries. Shawn co-authored the #1 top-rated Christian book: 40 Days for Life: Discover What God Has Done ... Imagine What He Can Do and also wrote The Beginning of the End of Abortion.