What do Dirty Dancing, Joel Osteen, and the sitcom Friends have in common?
All three became pop-culture juggernauts that slashed the Gospel's influence on society--and even helped entrench the culture of death.
On this week's episode of The 40 Days for Life Podcast, we reveal the 10 movies, books, television shows, and songs that made a disproportionately disastrous impact on our culture:
To watch or listen, click the image or visit:
Tune in...and then email podcast@40daysforlife.com to tell us:
- What pop culture phenomena did we miss?
- Were we too hard on Joel Osteen?
- Which mass-media sensation caused the worst damage to faith, family, and life?
Mass media can only ruin our culture if we keep silent.
Bring Jesus back into the public square by signing up to pray during the largest Lenten 40 Days for Life campaign ever:
Your public witness has a greater influence on an abortion-vulnerable mom's decision than any Hollywood star!