What people are saying

"Historians will write about the crucial role that 40 Days for Life played in the demise of legal abortion. We encourage each young activist that we train to become involved or lead a 40 Days for Life campaign in their community because we believe it is one of the most effective ways for our movement to abolish abortion."
President, Students for Life of America

"Abortion will end when local communities say it will end - no sooner, and no later. We have the power to stop abortion, even while it remains legal. Now is the time to mobilize, sustained by prayer. Priests for Life and I are delighted to have been involved in 40 Days for Life from its inception, and to share the vision and trumpet the call that the Body of Christ belongs in front of abortion centers."
National Director, Priests for Life

"The fruits of the 40 Days for Life prayer movement are simply invaluable to our cause. Every child saved, abortion-minded mother changed and abortion industry employee converted becomes a shining witness to Life, another foot soldier working to build a Culture of Life in our nation."
President, Susan B. Anthony List

I am in this movement today because of ordinary people who took on an extraordinary task. My former abortion clinic is closed because of their sacrifice. Babies are alive because of them. Women are no longer being hurt by abortion in their community. You can do this. You can save a life. I now stand alongside you in this 40 Days for Life movement.
Former Planned Parenthood Clinic Director

"40 Days for Life is the most fruitful pro-life work that I am aware of today. The peaceful, prayerful witness of joyful pro-lifers outside of abortion clinics has a life or death impact on a daily basis. Whenever anyone asks me what they can do to make a tangible difference in building a culture of life, I tell them about 40 Days for Life."
President, March for Life

"I recommend to you the peaceful, prayerful witness of 40 Days for Life. This interfaith, international movement invites people to pray and fast for 40 days to end abortion and to work for a culture in which all human life is welcomed as sacred. This program has proven effective in saving the lives of unborn children and sparing women and men the pain and sorrow of abortion."
Archbishop of Los Angeles

"The work of 40 Days for Life has been a miracle - a spiritual manifestation of God's grace towards this country... It's about releasing the good will that's there in the hearts of Americans who honor God and letting that become a blessing to our country."
Former United States Ambassador

"40 Days for Life is a life-changing experience, an exercise in sacrifice for the needs of others, an appeal to your heart to love the innocent, defend the helpless and embrace the needy. Babies waiting to be born are all these things as are their mothers. Expectant moms need more than lip service, and 40 Days for Life has given those gifts on the streets of this nation and in the homes of loving Americans."
President, American Life League

"In the states where we are fighting for the innocent born, against all of this, and movements like 40 Days for Life - that prayer, that loving, that fasting - that has changed thousands of lives."
US Representative - Texas' 8th District
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