Spring 2025 | Mar 5 - Apr 13

Chester County Campaign

West Chester, PA
sign up for vigil hours
Spring 2025 | Mar 5 - Apr 13 Map
Vigil Location

West Chester Planned Parenthood
8 S Wayne St West Chester, PA

Get directions


SPRING CAMPAIGN VIGIL: Two volunteers needed each hour, 7 am - 7 pm, every MONDAY - SATURDAY.  SIGN UP NOW by clicking 'SIGN UP FOR VIGIL HOURS' above.

PLEASE NOTE: There may be pro-life advocates in front of WC PP who are not affiliated with our 40 Days Campaign who will engage PP staff and clients in a way that differs from our Statement of Peace. Please lead by example, refrain from arguments with other pro-lifers, and maintain a peaceful presence.


Chester County 40 Days for Life Co-Leaders:  Rachel Hayes, chesco40days@gmail.com & Jamie Failla, failla525@msn.com, 267-981-6565

CHESTER COUNTY 40 Days for Life is a year-round, 365 Campaign! Volunteer throughout the year on TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS, 8 am - 4 pm.  Sign up as often as you are able, once a month, bi-weekly, or every week.

*IMPORTANT CHANGE: West Chester PP operating hours have changed.  TUESDAY is surgical abortion day at WC PP, and chemical abortion pills are possibly being distributed Mon - Fri.  

WC PP has two different websites for the same physical location & contact information: "Surgical Center" and “Health  Center.” They list different services and operating hours (shown below). Clients may be at WC PP on different days for pre and post-abortion appointments, morning after pill, Gyn exam, birth control, pregnancy tests, STD testing,  etc. In addition, the “Health Center” now has a statement: “This health center doesn’t provide abortion services” followed by a link to find abortion services via address which then takes you to the WC PP “Surgical Center” (same physical location and phone number) or to another facilty if WC PP booking is full.   

Operating Hours Surgical Center 

Mon: 11:30 AM - 7 PM; Tues: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM (SURGICAL ABORTION DAY); Wed: 10:30 AM - 6 PM; Th: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

CLOSED: Fri - Sun

Operating Hours Health Center  

Mon: 11:30 AM - 7 PM; Wed: 10:30 AM - 6 PM; Th: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM; Fri: 8:30 AM - 3 PM

CLOSED: Tues, Sat, Sun

If you have opportunity to offer abortion-minded women the alternative of FREE help and support, please direct them here:

CHESTER COUNTY CONNECT CARE (CCCC) - Nearest Pregnancy Center offering free ultrasounds, located just a few blocks away at 139 West Market St., West Chester, PA 19382.  Phone: 610.383.0930Hablamos Espanol, 484.883.6925

BIRTHRIGHT is also close by at 112 S. High Street, West Chester, PA 19382. Phone: 610.436.0773 After hours HOTLINE 800.550.4900

ABORTION PILL RESCUE 24/7 HELPLINE 877.558.0333 chemical/medical abortions may be reversed if help is received within 72 hours 

Funding for our WC campaign provided by Chester County Pro-Life Coalition (CCPLC). If you would like to learn more: chescoprolife@gmail.com


IMPORTANT NOTE: The new owner of the formerly closed properties dircetly across the street from PP has requested that we do not park in his lots. PLEASE READ BELOW for accepatble parking options. 

STREET PARKING available but read all restriction signs or you will be ticketed. There is FREE street parking a couple blocks down heading west on Market after crossing over Wayne on left hand side next to a park.

GARAGE PARKING: New Court House/JusticeCenter 220 W. Market St., West Chester, 19382 
2nd floor for general public use with a pay station located near the elevator. $1 per hour between 8 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday. 
2nd floor parking is free after 5 pm everyday and all day weekends and holidays.

FREE parking in Providence Church lot several blocks away: 430 Hannum Ave, West Chester, 19380


Local events
Mid-Campaign Baby Shower Collection

Saturday, March 29th

Our MID-CAMPAIGN BABY SHOWER COLLECTION to benefit Chester County Connect Care & Birthright of West Chester is Saturday, March 29. Drop off Baby Shower Collection items between 7 am & 12 pm at the 40 Days for Life Vigil in front of WC Planned Parenthood. Printable Baby Shower WISH LIST pdf can be found under the 'Resources' section of this website. Everything should be NEW and UNOPENED.

Address: Public right of way outside WC Planned Parenthood, 8 S. Wayne St, West Chester, PA 19382, US

Time: 7:00 AM


Day Sponsor: Saint Patrick Parish, Malvern

Leader Contact Info

Rachel Hayes

(267) 981-6565


Send A message


Chester County Connect Care (CLOSEST PREGNANCY RESOURCE CENTER w/ Ultrasound)

ABORTION PILL RESCUE (1-877-558-0333)

Birthright, West Chester (pregnancy resource center)

Baby Shower Wish List PDF

Spring '25 Full-Page Flyer

Spring '25 Half-Page Flyer

Fall 2024 Pro-Life Facts Handout

Sidewalk Servant Videos (Intro to Sidewalk Advocacy)

Video: Your Life Before Birth



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