Spring 2025 | Mar 5 - Apr 13

Manchester NH Campaign

Manchester, NH United States
sign up for vigil hours
Spring 2025 | Mar 5 - Apr 13 Map
Vigil Location

Planned Parenthood
24 Pennacook St. Manchester, NH

Get directions

Important Reminders for the 40 Days for Life Manchester Campaigns

  1. Park on Pennacook Street or nearby streets. Do not park in the parking lots of nearby businesses.
  2. 40DFL Manchester contact info: 40daysforlifemanchester@gmail.com or 603-289-0574.
  3. All 40 Days for Life participants sign a Statement of Peace either while registering online or by signing a paper copy (available under Resources).
  4. Stay on the sidewalk. This is public. Planned Parenthood owns the parking lot and landscaped area next to the sidewalk.
  5. Be respectful of police, passersby, escorts, and anyone entering and exiting the clinic. Smile, be polite, offer help and prayers. Please do not enter debates or arguments at any time as a participant with 40 Days for Life.
  6. 40 Days for Life supports holding positive, life-affirming signs. Please no condemnation or gore. You may borrow “Pray to End Abortion” signs from the Pennacook Pregnancy Center open Monday through Thursday from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. It is a block away from Planned Parenthood at 657B Chestnut Street. Look for the purple door.
  7. We advise carrying a cell phone both for your safety and to use the camera if you want to document an issue. Report any incidents to the police if appropriate, and email or call us with anything that concerns you.
  8. Please sign up for your hours on the vigil calendar on the website or call or email us. 

Local events
Rosary For Life

Saturday, March 15th

Once again, the Marian Knights of Columbus are leading a rosary for Life on the public sidewalk outside Planned Parenthood. All are Welcome.

Address: 24 Pennacook St Manchester, NH 03104, US

Time: 10:00 AM

Mid-Point Vigil

Wednesday, March 26th

Let's meet for prayer and song on the public sidewalk outside Planned Parenthood and get re-juvinated to complete the Campaign with a flourish.

Address: 24 Pennacook St Manchester, NH 03104, US

Time: 6:30 PM

Closing Rally

Sunday, April 13th

One final time of prayer and sharing on the public sidewalk outside Planned Parenthood as we close another campaign

Address: 24 Pennacook St Manchester, NH 03110, US

Time: 2:00 PM

Leader Contact Info

Norman Thibault

(603) 289-0574


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Spring 2025 Campaign Flyer

Spring 2025 Events Flyer

Handout of Pregnancy Resources


Abortion Pill Reversal

A map and guide for pregnancy services in New Hampshire

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Statement of Peace

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