Planned Parenthood's latest annual report is out...and there's a lot to digest. The abortion empire killed a record number of children in 2022. 

But there's much to break down beyond the headlines. On this episode of The 40 Days for Life Podcast, we'll reveal:

  • The good (many Planned Parenthood numbers are down, including the number of donors);
  • The bad (a record high in taxpayer funding);
  • The ugly (Planned Parenthood's work to censor pro-life content on social media).

Tune in for the state of America's leading abortion chain.

Read the Annual Report

Steven Karlen, Campaign Director

Prior to joining the headquarters team, Steve directed several highly-successful 40 Days for Life campaigns in his hometown of Madison, Wisconsin. As campaign director, Steve helps local 40 Days for Life leaders build and improve life-saving efforts in their communities.