Fall 2024 | Sept 25 - Nov 3

Vancouver WA Campaign

Vancouver, WA
sign up for vigil hours
Fall 2024 | Sept 25 - Nov 3 Map
Vigil Location

Vancouver Planned Parenthood Health Center
11516 SE Mill Plain Blvd. Vancouver, WA

Get directions


We pray in the public right-of-way (10 ft. from curb) on either side of NE 116th Ave. just north of Mill Plain Blvd. 

First time volunteers are encouraged to contact the local leader Gerry who will arrange a day/time to provide an onsite orientation as well as signs and handouts. 

"We encourage a positive, prayerful presence outside abortion facilities to show God's love and mercy to those who visit and work at the abortion centers. This approach avoids shouting, confrontation with patients and employees, and the use of graphic abortion images." www.40daysforlife.com/FAQ 

Volunteers should concentrate on business daylight hours: Monday 8:30AM to 5 PM, Tuesday 10:30AM to 6:30 PM; Wednesday 11:30AM to 6:30PM; Thursday 8:30AM to 4:30PM and Friday 8:00AM to 1:30PM.   Closed Saturday and Sunday.

PP Vancouver offers on-site RU 486 so-called "medical" abortions early in pregnancy & referral for surgical abortions later in pregnancy. PP also provides birth control and low income health care.  

The so-called "medical" abortion includes taking a progesterone blocker in the clinic to deprive the tiny human being of oxygen and nutrients and then a second pill at home several days later to cause uterine contractions to expel the dead baby. If the mother changes her mind before taking the second pill, she must call the Abortion Pill Reversal hotline (877-558-0333) immediately to obtain medication to counteract the first abortion pill. Do not take the second pill if you want to reverse the abortion. Reversing the abortion is not guaranteed but chances of success are greatest the sooner the reversal medication is taken.

Signs and handouts will be delivered on request to public vigil site on NE 116th Ave. Contact the local leader. Our signs express our purposes... w"pray to end abortion", offer "local pregnancy resource packets" ("Get support, Don't abort...800-848-LOVE"),  provide information about "abortion pill reversal" and  support "healing for those post-abortion". 

First Vancouver campaign in 2009 saw a couple change their plan to abort their baby when they saw our volunteers praying on the sidewalk. "My girlfriend and I have decided to give our baby up for adoption."

Hearts broken by abortion begin to hope and heal. In 2017 a lady told us about her abortion over 20 years ago. Our response: “We grieve for your loss.” She said: “No one has ever said that to me before.” We prayed with her asking our heavenly Father to forgive and heal us. Then she thanked us for praying for her baby (we had never mentioned her baby) and took our packet of literature with post-abortion healing information inside.

Everyone who participates in this Fall 2024 Campaign will be asked to sign the new Statement of Peace. This can be done when you sign up online for the prayer vigil or using the form provided you by your Day Captain or Local Leader. The form can be downloaded from this local webpage.  

If alone and/or feeling unsafe, stay in your vehicle or return to your vehicle.

Call  911 just as you would in any other situation after going to a safe place. 


"Hand-held signs only; no stakes into ground" (City of Vancouver regulation).  

"No partisan political signs/personal wear items" (40 Days for Life rule).

"No going into the parking lot" (Private property signs posted by 205 Commerce Center.) 

Leader Contact Info

Gerry Parmantier

(360) 831-7542


Send A message


From the 40 Days for Life website

statement_of_peace updated fall 2024

Declaracion de Paz

Local Pregnancy Resources Part 1

Local Pregnancy Resources Part 2

Be a part of the  local campaign