Spring 2025 | Mar 5 - Apr 13

West Hartford Campaign

West Hartford, CT United States
sign up for vigil hours
Spring 2025 | Mar 5 - Apr 13 Map
Vigil Location

Planned Parenthood
1030 New Britain Avenue West Hartford, CT

Get directions

Hi Everyone,

Thank you so much for volunteering your time to help in this very important cause- helping save our babies! It truly means alot to me, since each and everyone of you is making a difference! Everyone of you are a gift from God!

As a brief background on me, I am a West Hartford resident. I am a christian looking to Evangelize the greatness of God, whether this means other christians (or even non christians), peacefully gather together in this universal cause: Pray to end abortion.

If you want to schedule a day and time to pray, feel free to select a time on our calendar that you can see when searching on the 40 Days website- as soon as you see the tab where it says "Locations", just type in West Hartford so you can sign up as a volunteer. As it can be no doubt daunting to go to an event for the first time or even going to events alone, I ask that you do not pray at the vigil site alone. As the saying goes, "There is safety in numbers", there is certainly something to be said for that!

Our vigil location is on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood at 1030 New Britain Avenue in West Hartford. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to Megan Freeman.  My number is (860) 966-2884 and my email is prolifewesthartford@gmail.comAll participants are asked to remain on the sidewalk, and do not enter the Planned Parenthood parking lot.  

Regarding Parking:
The Citgo gas station across the street welcomes 40 Days for Life participants to park in his lot.  
Please DO NOT park in the Planned Parenthood parking lot.  We have been warned that our cars may be towed if we park there.  

There is also a large parking lot within walking distance on New Park Avenue, just behind where The Corner Pug used to be. The former site of The Corner Pug is at the intersection of New Britain Avenue, and New Park Avenue.  

Please use ONLY those signs designated for the 40daysforlife campaign. If you would like to purchase some of the signs seen at the vigil or some gear, visit: www.40daysforlife.com. Click Store to view items for purchase.
Also, all vigil volunteers are requested to read and sign the STATEMENT OF PEACE before coming out to pray during the campaign.
I will see you there!

Local events
Campaign Kickoff Event

Wednesday, March 5th

We will gather to pray for an hour to make a statement that, "We stand for saving the next generation!"

Address: 1030 New Britain Ave West Hartford, CT 06119, US

Time: 7:00 AM

Leader Contact Info

Megan Freeman

(860) 966-2884


Send A message


Statement of Peace

Be a part of the  local campaign