Spring 2025 | Mar 5 - Apr 13

Chico Campaign

Chico, CA United States
sign up for vigil hours
Spring 2025 | Mar 5 - Apr 13 Map
Vigil Location

Women's Health Specialist
1469 Humboldt Rd unit 200 Chico, CA

Get directions

Public right-of-way on sidewalk at 1469 Humboldt Rd., Chico CA 95928

Park Park on Humboldt Rd or in the Public parking lot across the street of 1469 Humboldt Rd. 

Please DO NOT PARK in the Women’s Specialist lot

Local events
S25 40 Days For Life Kick Off Event

Sunday, March 9th

40 Days For Life Kick Off You are invited to Save Lives in Butte County, be informed and inspired to change hearts and minds! Come and get involved Sign up to pray and fast at our PEACEFUL VIGIL Sunday, March 9th 2:00 – 4:00 PM 566 E. Lassen Ave. at Our Divine Savior Catholic Church Social Hall/Knights of Columbus room Come get informed & Pick up Literature 40 Days for Life event! Sign up for vigil times at 40daysforlife.com/en/chico Pick any time to Pray between 6 am - 9 pm at 1469 Humboldt Road from March 5th – April 13th For more Information call Suzanne 619-508-2898, Diane 530-519-9749, Mary 530-519-8818 or for Spanish call Rocio Chavez a 530-588-5631 y Lilia a 530-521-3313 Está invitado a ayudar a salvar vidas en el condado de Butte, estar informado e inspirado para cambiar corazones y mentes! 40 días de por vida Iniciar Ven y participa Regístrese para orar y ayunar en nuestro VIGILIA PACÍFICA Domingo, 9 de mars 2:00 – 4:00 PM 566 E. Lassen Ave. Iglesia Católica Our Divine Savior Salón Social / Salón de los Caballeros de Colón Venga a informarse y recoja literatura ¡Evento 40 Días por la Vida! Regístrese para los horarios de vigilia en 40daysforlife.com/en/chico 5 de mars – 13 de abril 40 Days for Life Chico Team

Address: 566 E. Lassen Ave. Chico, CA 95973, US

Time: 2:00 PM

Leader Contact Info

Mary Waldorf

Send A message


English Flyer S25

Statement of Peace

Declaración de paz

Folleto en español F23

Daily Prayer intentions S25

Devotional Dia de la Preparacion

Do's and Don'ts and where to park

Qué hacer y qué no hacer

English Talking Points

Temas de conversación

Consejos de oración y ayuno

Prayer and Fasting Tips

Fasting Resources/Recursos de ayuno

Be a part of the  local campaign