Fall 2024 | Sept 25 - Nov 3

Fort Collins Campaign

Fort Collins, CO
sign up for vigil hours
Fall 2024 | Sept 25 - Nov 3 Map
Vigil Location

Planned Parenthood
825 S. Shields St. Fort Collins, CO

Get directions

PLEASE NOTE: Registering on this webpage will bring you information from the national 40 Days for Life Headquarters too.

Welcome to Fort Collins 40 Days for Life!

Don't miss our kickoff Sept 19th Thursday night 6-8pm at Vintage City Church to hear Andrew Davies on "Abortion on the ballot" and come hear how you can be a part of fighting abortion through prayer and fasting at the sidewalk of Planned Parenthood.  Come learn more! 

sign up here www.40daysforlife.com/fortcollins & send this link to friends!

We will continue to join other 40 days for life participants around the globe fasting, praying and standing for life and offering help during the two 40 day prayer vigils but we will now HAVE A YEAR ROUND PRESENCE WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY!

During the 40 day vigils we cover EVERY shift on the sidewalk.

We encourage everyone to join us on the public sidewalk in front of the Fort Collins Planned Parenthood at 825 S Shields St. to pray for an hour a day, week, or however much time you have available.  Please pray on the other side of the entrance from the person sidewalk counseling at the driveway and giving roses and resources to girls coming in as don't want to overwhelm as they are unlikely to stop if there are too many people by the driveway.

The hardest days for me to get covered are Sundays -Wednesdays. I would love your help especially on these days!

There is free parking only in the visitor spots at St John xxIII parking lot.  Or if you want to park anywhere there including behind subway contact me about who to send your license plate info to. ( you could get towed if you are not in a visitor spot or do not have your lisence on file with them), bathrooms, resources, and signs to use at St. John XXIII's Catholic Church located at 1220 University Ave, Fort Collins, Colorado. 

Please stand and peacefully pray on public sidewalk in front of the Plannned Parenthood (West side of Shields along the stone wall in front of the Planned Parenthood building). Do not trespass across the yellow line or on thier property.

Do not engage with any counter protesters who come to yell and get angry.  Please do not bring "murder signs". It only draws the girls we want to help away. Thank you! 

If you are interested in sidewalk counseling (giving resources and help to girls coming to Planned Parenthood) please go check out the training offered at  www.40daysforlife.com/sidewalkoutreachapplication


1. Be careful not to trespass on the private property. This includes the driveway and parking lot.

2. When offering information to passers-by,  ask them for permission to do so. That is as easy as saying, "May I give you some free resources".

3. If this is your first time out praying on the sidewalk, the best time to “learn” the ropes is with others so let us know when you want to come with someone experienced and we will set it up!

Thank you for participating in Fort Collins 40 Days for Life. God will bless you for standing up to protect the most vulnerable of our society.

Matthew 25:40  'And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.'


Leader Contact Info

Kristy Neeley

(719) 246-8085


Send A message


Fall Kickoff Flyer

Fall '24 flyer


3 min Video ad to share with friends, for social media and to share with churches and small groups!

List of local resources we offer girls

Pastor letter to share with your pastor

Safety Tips for the Sidewalk

30 second 40 Days for life video ad to share with friends, emails, social media and churches

Local Resources (Printable)

Spanish Tri-Fold

In God We Trust - 40 Days for Life video

Trifold 40 Days for Life Brochure

Vigil Card and Statement of Peace

Statement of Peace

Be a part of the  local campaign