Spring 2025 | Mar 5 - Apr 13

Fullerton Campaign

Fullerton, MD United States
sign up for vigil hours
Spring 2025 | Mar 5 - Apr 13 Map
Vigil Location

Whole Woman's Health. We pray at the public right-of-way in front of Belair Beltway Plaza, 7600-7700 Belair Road. Whole Woman's Health is located in the back of the Plaza at:
7648 Belair Rd Fullerton, MD

Get directions

We are grateful for your participation in this peaceful, prayerful 40 Days for Life vigil to end abortion and protect the unborn. We pray and fast for mothers contemplating abortion, for mothers who have aborted, for those in the abortion industry, for our government leaders and for a culture of life.

The 40 Days for Life campaign brings together the body of Christ in a spirit of unity during a focused campaign with the purpose of repentance, to seek God’s favor to turn hearts and minds from a culture of death to a culture of life, to bring an end to abortion. 

Please understand that mothers entering abortion clinics DO respond to a peaceful, prayerful vigil offering health, hope, and life for their pre-born baby. It has been demonstrated that up to 75% of abortion appointments are no shows when faithful people are praying outside the abortion clinic.

While Maryland has now enshrined abortion into its constitution, this is not the end. Our prayerful presence is needed now more than ever. Desperate mothers need to know that they are supported to choose life. Trust God in this spiritual battle to save our babies and to end abortion. We have to do our part so that He can do His.       

DATES: March 5 to April 13, 2025

TIMES: 7am - 7 pm Sunday-Saturday

PARKING: Please park on one of the side streets, across from the plaza, by the 7 Eleven, when attending the campaign. We are NOT allowed to park in the shopping center lot or Carrabba’s lot.

GROUP PRAYER: Every Wednesday starting 1-2 PM, March 5 to April 13 2025.

SIGNS: A variety of signs are available for you to hold during prayer. If you need any, please let us know. Signs CANNOT be placed in the ground. 

MATERIALS AND INFORMATION FOR VISITORS WHO HAVE QUESTIONS: Although interactions are rare, we will provide each volunteer a small packet with information to give to anyone looking for advice regarding an unexpected pregnancy or post abortive issues. Also, Woman’s Care Center, the pink building across the street, is a pregnancy resource center and can be an easy referral source. They will take walk-ins. Always be caring and nonjudgemental. 

PERMIT FOR PEACEFUL PRAYER ON THE SIDEWALK:  A copy of Baltimore County’s permit for gathering will be downloaded to this site, under “Resources”, when it is received. We suggest you take a picture of it or print it in the event you need it. It can also be emailed to you if requested. 

SAFETY GUIDELINES: Please read the safety guidelines, under “Resources”. There has been a lot of support from the community, however, there are the occasional protestors.  If you feel threatened call 911, document the incident with photos if possible, and email either of the team leaders at 40daysforlifefullerton@gmail.com

THE CALENDER: Check the calendar for special events. Use it to sign up for one hour or several throughout the 40-day campaign. Sign up a partner to join you or email Beth or Maria (see info below) and we will try to connect you with someone.

QUESTIONS OR NEED ASSISTANCE: Email Beth or Maria at 40daysforlifefullerton@gmail.com    

Local events
Spring Campaign Opening Mass and Rally

Saturday, March 8th

Our opening this spring will begin with Mass at St Joseph Church at 8:30 AM and then we will gather at the Fullerton vigil site on the sidewalk at the Belair Beltway Plaza where Fr Jesse will lead us in prayer. Hope to see you there

Address: St Joseph Catholic Church 8420 BelAir Rd Nottingham, MD 21236, US

Time: 8:30 AM

Maryland March For Life

Thursday, March 27th

" COURAGEOUS AND STRONG FOR LIFE !" The theme for this year's Maryland's March for Life. 4:30 PM Pizza and Youth rally 5 PM Mass 6:30 PM March to Lawyer's Mall for a dynamic speaker line up including Kelly Lester, a powerful prolife speaker who presents an emotionally compelling and realistic message about the realities of abortion in America. Please see the Maryland March website : mdmarchforlife.com for details and registration St Ignatius Hickory is sponsoring a BUS to the MD MARCH FOR LIFE. Please see the website stignatiushickory.org and scroll to the March for Life banner to sign up there. Let's fill the bus !

Address: St Mary's Catholic Church, 109 Duke of Gloucester Street Annapolis, MD 21401,

Time: 4:30 PM

Leader Contact Info

Beth Erhardt and Maria Perticone

(410) 371-8543


Send A message


Spring 2025 Permits

Statement of Peace

Option Line - 24/7 Pregnancy and Post Abortive Resource

Haven of Hope (Prolife resources)

Prayers for : A Culture of Life; Mothers Contemplating Abortion; Mothers Who Have Aborted; Those in Abortion Industry


Safety Guidelines

Emergency Operations Plan

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