Sometimes, all it takes to save a mom and baby from abortion is to stand vigil in front of your local abortion facility.

Other saved-baby stories are more complicated. 40 Days for Life campaigns spanning two different countries saved a baby in a story that sounds like the premise of a Mission: Impossible film!

Back in March, a Colombian 40 Days for Life participant named Maria contacted us because a friend in New Jersey was considering abortion.

40 Days for Life campaign strategist Barbara Constable immediately contacted Montclair, New Jersey, campaign leader Lisa. Lisa then found a Spanish-speaking volunteer named Sol--who turned out to be the abortion-minded woman's neighbor!

Thanks to Sol's intervention, the expectant mother chose life...and Baby Elena was just born!

"My friend’s daughter, Elena, was born today!" Maria wrote. "Both mom and baby are doing well. We are all overjoyed!"

It goes to show: When you get involved in 40 Days for Life, you just never know how your efforts will pay off.

"The help that 40 Days for Live has offered brought new hope and new strength," Maria continued. "Sol has been helping a lot. I am very grateful for the help and for this life that has been saved."

Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Continue to pray for all those impacted by Hurricane Helene--and those in the path of Hurricane Milton.

Helene hit members of the 40 Days for Life family hard, leaving some local campaign leadership team members still unable to return home.

Some locations in the state have been spared devastating damage and continue to stand vigil. "All is fine," wrote Kathy, the leader in Chapel Hill. "We were actually out praying…and were able to give three men life-affirming information. Praise God!"

Bathurst, New Brunswick

Byron is leading his community's first-ever 40 Days for Life campaign way up in northern New Brunswick, Canada.

It isn't always easy to rally participation in a small town, so Byron has been personally taking vigil shifts of 6-12 hours at a time!

He's also been preaching about the importance of the pro-life mission at his church--45 minutes away. Those efforts are beginning to pay off, as new volunteers sign up to pray, including a group of pro-lifers from a neighboring town who have now joined the vigil!

Jesus said to them, "Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men." Then they abandoned their nets and followed him.

--Mark 1:17-18

Lord, we pray that you might grant each of us the courage to follow your will, regardless of the personal cost. You made your disciples Simon and Andrew into “fishers of men” so that they could bring other people closer to you. Help us to do the same. We ask that you bless all people in the pro-life movement by reminding them that you are with them. Help them to carry out their earthly mission in a way that reflects your eternal love. Amen.

Shawn Carney, President/CEO

In addition to co-founding 40 Days for Life, Shawn is one of the most sought-after pro-life speakers, addressing audiences coast-to-coast and internationally. He has executive produced award-winning pro-life documentaries. Shawn co-authored the #1 top-rated Christian book: 40 Days for Life: Discover What God Has Done ... Imagine What He Can Do and also wrote The Beginning of the End of Abortion.