In November, Florida voters rejected a referendum to enshrine a right to abortion in their constitution.

That's great news for abortion-vulnerable moms and babies and terrible news for the abortion industry, because it means the state's Heartbeat Act remains in force.

Florida is home to more abortion facilities than all but a few states. Former Planned Parenthood manager Ramona Trevino recently visited Florida to help rally 40 Days for Life participants building on the momentum to CLOSE those facilities.

At a joint rally for the Fort Pierce and Port St. Lucie campaigns, Ramona met a pro-life hero. At 92 years young, Mary continues to join her local vigil twice a week.

Ramona said that Mary has a sharp sense of humor, which cracked up rally attendees all evening. But she's been all business when it comes to ending abortion since she learned what it was back in 1988.

Port St. Lucie 40 Days for Life leader Jim shared that the local abortion facility used to open at 5:00 in the morning.

"Guess who was there at 4:30?" he asked. "Mary!"

If Mary can do it, so can you! Sign up to pray this week by visiting:

Lakeland, Florida

In Lakeland, Ramona met a woman participating in 40 Days for Life for the first time...but as with Mary, the seeds of her involvement were sown decades ago.

"She's the mother of five boys," Ramona explained. "When she was pregnant with her fifth, she was told that she would certainly die...unless she had an abortion."

"She courageously chose to birth her son, and they both lived to share the heroic story," Ramona explained. "Today, her son is 44 years old."

Hollywood, Florida

Florida has been one of America's deadliest states for unborn babies, and Miami is its abortion capital.

Miami-Dade and Broward Counties are home to dozens of abortion centers. But vigil participants in the area came away emboldened by Ramona's visit.

"Our kickoff rally with Ramona Trevino last night was incredibly inspiring," wrote Hollywood leader Gabriela. "Her testimony touched our hearts and strengthened our resolve in our advocacy for the unborn."

The enthusiasm carried over into the campaign, as vigil participants reported that traffic to the abortion facility was slow.

"It's been fairly quiet the last couple of hours," wrote Chris on day one. "[We] were able to speak to a young couple who took a brochure, and we shared information about the Respect Life center."  

Her neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had shown his great mercy toward her, and they rejoiced with her.

--Luke 1:58

Dear Lord, thank you for the gift of friendship. Teach us to see your beauty in those around us, and give us the grace to serve our friends and neighbors. We ask you to especially bless the families and friends of expectant mothers. Help those who are close to expectant mothers to offer the compassionate care that Elizabeth’s friends did throughout her pregnancy. Help us never to close our eyes to women in need. Amen.

Shawn Carney, President/CEO

In addition to co-founding 40 Days for Life, Shawn is one of the most sought-after pro-life speakers, addressing audiences coast-to-coast and internationally. He has executive produced award-winning pro-life documentaries. Shawn co-authored the #1 top-rated Christian book: 40 Days for Life: Discover What God Has Done ... Imagine What He Can Do and also wrote The Beginning of the End of Abortion.