Do animals possess the same dignity as people? From doggy strollers to laws establishing legal rights for rivers, there's a growing push to elevate the status of animals and nature...

...and to undermine the unique dignity of human beings. 

On this episode of The 40 Days for Life Podcast, we explore how putting nature on a pedestal is dangerous for children--and for the looming underpopulation crisis. 

Mentioned on this episode: Combating climate change with...abortion?–PODCAST Season 4, Episode 39


Shawn Carney, President/CEO

In addition to co-founding 40 Days for Life, Shawn is one of the most sought-after pro-life speakers, addressing audiences coast-to-coast and internationally. He has executive produced award-winning pro-life documentaries. Shawn co-authored the #1 top-rated Christian book: 40 Days for Life: Discover What God Has Done ... Imagine What He Can Do and also wrote The Beginning of the End of Abortion.